Monday, February 14, 2022

My delayed Birthday Dinner, a week late.

I adore spending time with the girls. It's a rare thing these days and I understand that. I don't like it, but I understand it. There is just something that feels really great just being around them. So when it snowed last weekend and we didn't go to Monroe Outback I was disappointed. The storm predicted was
depending where you were anywhere from a few inches to two feet, coming up the coast. The stormt blew a little off the coast and we received about three inches. Long Island received about two feet. The worst part was the winds blowing the snow around, knocking down trees. Dinner was rescheaduled for this past weekend for about 5 PM. Nastia wanted to know what time we were going to be done so she could go see her boyfriend. I told her about 8. Her reply was, "that late?" We were on the road a little late. Teri and Nancy finished shopping a little late. THe reservation scheduled for five was pushed to 5:30. Leaving slowly, we pushed it to 6:00. Traffic on the Thruway is light and we sail stright up the Thruway. Now you might be asking why Monroe? There are plenty of steak houses in Rockland. Yes there are, but have you tried Monroe's Outback? It's steaks are the way steaks from Outback in Rockland used to be, buttery soft. You know like when you leave the butter on the counter soft. We tried an unknown steak place for Elena's birthday a few years ago, COVID year 1, I believe and it was poor. It is cold in January and this was a little bit extra of a January early evening, in other words it was colder then normal. The walk is mercifully short. We pass the outdoor dining area that was full last time we were here, the brown tables and chairs stacked and waiting for warmer weather.Inside it is warm and inviting and we are ushered to our table. After Nastia trying to sit on the outside. You can't because I'm left handed and I will elbow you all night, plus get in first please. It's my birthday dinner, so when the girls are chastized for eating to much bread, I tell Teri to let it go. It takes a little effort until she does. A long time ago Elena would eat bread and the appetizers and not be hungry when dinner came. I'd get angry and it solved nothing. So I can't say I don't care, but I don't say anything anymore. Beer,the one disappointment of the night. The taps are broken and I try a can of Foster's Lagar, I figure why not. We
order two appetizers, a Blooming Onion and cheese something or others. Salads come a little too quickly and the steaks follow shortly after. Again I used to complain, but Teri never liked me to. Even when I'd ask them to hold the steaks in a warm place for a few minutes, Teri would feel we shouldn't do it. I finish my salad and start on the reason I came here, my steak. It's done well and the Foster
Lagar beer id good. Everyone enjoys their food and near the end of dinner I go off to the bathroom. When I return there is a guy hanging out at our table. I think I know him ,but you know how it is when your not sure if you know someone how you act a little warily and standoffish.He has a bushy beard and dark hair. He is talking to Nastia. He mentions it was his mother's birthday last week. I tell him it was mine also. I slide into the bench seat so Nastia can sit next to him. He starts talking about his writing, I think it's a scifi comic or something like that. He goes into great detail about what it is about. I really hope he goes forward with it. He has obviously put a great amount of time and thought into it. I start to get bored and the meal is paid for so I say well, I guess it's time to get going. We all get up, so I guess I wasn't the only one. He walks out to the car with Nastia. He's parked right next to our car. We all get into the car and Teri leaves. I might have been the first one to say it, but it to me is painfully obvious. This kid, I think his name is Andrew, is in love with Nastia. She's been told this before and when she hangs out with him to be careful and considerate of his feeling. Nastia questions this, but to Teri and I he has a big time crush on her. And she has no interest in him.She says they are just friends. (being a guy, that always hurt when I heard that) Haven't we all been there before, done that before. I hope he finds someone who feel toward him the way he wants. Out of the parking lot we take a wrong turn and after a little while find ourselves back where we started, but heading in the right direction. We get home about 8:15 a little later then I told Nastia. She decides to not go out after dinner. /

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