Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Turn a page

Usually I miss things and later I'll look back and see that an incident changed things. Usually it's a small thing.
     Today I got hit with a small thing that I caught. At 10:55 this morning while I was at my job at the Crystal Spoon and Teri was at Just Energy I got a text from Elena. The Girls had off yesterday and today for the jewish holidays. The Text read"Me and my sister are at the cafe down the road from the elementary school." My first reaction was I was amazed that the girls even knew what a cafe was and that they knew there was one down the road. I'm not trying to be mean, but if they were never there it doesn't exist. I found the text an hour after it was sent so I did the parent thing and replied "Why?"
     The reply was, "To eat breakfast, but we're home now." So I asked the next two questions printed in the parent hand book Who paid and what did you have. They had Pancakes. What else would teenage girls eat, oh, yes french fries. And yes they had fries. I then went a little off script after using question four, "Was it good?" and asked "Any bacon or sausages?" that was when I found out they had fries.
     I texted Teri and her reply was how I felt, "I could cry", because our little girls had just taken an other step out of our lives. It was bitter sweet. While writing this I get a picture of my front door closing and they're on the other side going home, because they don't live here any more. I'm not ready yet.
     Ah Hell, Elena's gonna live with us until we change the locks and pile her stuff on the front porch!
     I'm also very pleased at their interest in the Hi Tor Animal Shelter. They volunteer there and I know what they do there is not like a job. They cleaned cages, fed some cats and then played with them a little. I'm just very pleased that they were willing to volunteer and I hope in the future when I wan t them to become involved in the spring clean up around Rockland I will get a good response.
     It is also funny that the reason I want the girls to volunteer for stuff is Cory and Ryan had to volunteer while they were in school to graduate. An unforeseen benefit that the government of Florida will never know about their law.

October Blues

This was started in early October.
     This time of year is always a time of reflection for me. It is the time when the world starts to get ready for Winter, not one of my favorite seasons. During January through March, it seems you just hang out waiting for Spring.
     This is also the time of year when We bought the girls home. They became ours on September 10th and over the next several weeks we went through hoops to finish their paper work and around this time We got off a plane, took a car service, (cause we had money back then) and were surprised by a welcoming home party.
     The Fun started the very next day when We had to get their Social Security Cards in West Nyack and get them registered at school.
     There first day at School, I would not of remembered but
for the blog.