Thursday, September 24, 2009

T minus 2 days and counting….09-24-09

It’s starting to get down to the wire. We are packing our bags, looking under all the furniture to see if we left anything under it that we would not miss until we were half way across the Atlantic. We’re checking our bags ready to go…I think that’s another old song.
We shopped in the open air market today, bought some candy, some small toys, bubbles and then we ask Nastia’s and Elena’s caregivers for an accurate account and if the girls want to invite anyone extra for another group. Our number was fifteen this morning and tonight it is more like nineteen. Not too bad but we have to go out and get a few more items for the party and I hope the cake is big enough.
The State gives each Orphan some money that is kept in an account for them and at sometime in the future they are to receive the money. I guess it’s when they leave the Orphanage. Since we have received ownership right to the girls we’re legal owners of the money. We knew about the money in advance so it was not a total surprise, though the amount was. Yulila said and I stopped her, I then realize it is in Rubles, not dollars. It is still a sizeable chunk of change. Figuring 30 rubles to the dollar it comes to around…nine thousand dollars. (The total was just over that when a third account was added) When You look at all the kids in the Orphanage and you think about what you have at home and yes you are broke at this point, it is still not hard to tell the director a very fine women named Nina that we met in America in July and we took her and her group to dinner with Howard and Marty and had a real good time. Anyway it was not hard to tell the director that we were going to give the money to the Orphanage. I tried to explain that we did not want our names associated with the money because we did not want to pay taxes on it in America, but I think she did not understand. I hope it goes to good use.
We went to Fast Food today for lunch and we were going to go to an indoor pool but one of the caregivers said that one of the girls had a runny nose and we didn’t want to look like bad parents so we said we would not take them swimming. So after Fast Food,( we went there before and the burgers were made out of pork or some mystery meat, thought you left them behind in school didn’t you?) so I ordered sausages (hot dogs sans buns) for the girls and myself and Teri had chicken and we all had fries. It was better than the first time there, but I think we will not go there for a long while. Hey, when you are leaving in less than 48 hours and you’ve got Pit Stop who needs Fast food.
While at Fast Food I got to watch several Bugs Bunny cartoons. One you don’t see in the states often is Bugs Nips the Nips. Politically incorrect I guess. Nothing blows your mind more than Bugs speaking Russian like he’s been doing it all his life.
After that great hour, we went over to the room and watched a couple of videos we purchased for the girls. I had to bring in the computer to make sure they worked and about five in the afternoon we dropped off the girls and then we went back to the passport office to get the girls passports. Nadashda’s influence got us in and out quickly, but the apartments were still too expensive.
We ate dinner in Smock; I keep wanting to call it smuck. The food is good and the menu is sort of in English. It’s like those Chinese road signs that someone who knows English has translated, but they really don’t understand the nuances of the language. Well Smock should be complimented for the effort because it is easier to order there than anywhere else, even easier than the Chinese restaurant with the picture menu.
An example of a dish is: A Ham with pork, a tomato, a Cedar nut, an onion. It was good, had it twice.
Teri complimented herself on ordering dinner for us at Smock and I was very pleased when two glasses of beer showed up. I didn’t know she cared that much. She is such a good and caring wife.
Our bags are packed and we’re ready to go, we’re standing here just waiting to go. I hate to wake you up to say good bye; we’re leaving on a Jet plane. Come on and lets all sing it together. We’re leaving on a jet plane don’t know when (or if) we’ll be back again…….