Monday, May 16, 2022

Relationships- They're funny things

The last time I saw Nastia's ex-boyfriend, Brandon in person must have been sometime last summer when he came over to go swimming with Nastia at our pool. They broke up last week. Brandon saying the typical guy thing,"It's me not you, I have to work on myself." Granted, he does, but I always thought working on yourself with a partner at your side would make it easier, but that's just me. He also said, and all these, he said, she said are all second and third hand, he said she needs to grow up and I've addressed that. she does. Now Nastia is going through life all depressed, talking mono toned, you know all those, 'I've been rejected by someone feelings we have all go through. I don't know if they make us stronger, or just make us more guarded in the future when we give our love to someone again. Now here's the funny thing. Over the weekend Nastia tells me she has to be free about four PM on Saturday because she is going to the dinner. I ask, "why?" She, as she always does is cryptic, "I'm meeting someone" "who?"I ask. Well it turns out David reached out to her, she says, but I wonder, it's too coincidental. She says she blocked David a while ago after he said something that was very disrespectful, I felt. So she is going to meet David. She puts on a pair of tight jeans, and a shirt that shows her stomach. I think, "Well, she is showing him what he gave up.I guess." She drives off. About six or so, two hours later she comes home to feed the dogs and says she is going out to the mall afterwards. I ask,"why?" "I'm meeting someone?" "Who?" "David" I should have just copied and pasted the above conversation. The only difference is she is not driving, she is being pick up by David. I'm doing yardwork and I really don't want to talk to him. I know the pull of past relationship, I really do, but I do'nt want someone in her life who puts her third in his life. I've talked about that hierarchy before. So I quit weed wacking and go inside. After a while so does she, which I was glad for. Waiting outside for him is so desperate looking and it gives me flash backs to when they were going out. Eventually I go back out and I'm working as far from the road as I can get when he shows up in what looks like the same car he drove when he was dating Nastia two or so years ago. I ignore his arrival,hoping he'll do the same. A few moments later he is waving to me a few feet from me. I reluctantly turn off the weed wacker and be socialable to him. I'm uncomfortable and I can imagine so is he, BUT HE MADE THE SUPREME EFFORT TO SAY HELLO TO ME!! I couldn't have made it too much more difficult then I did. A big difference from the most recent ex. They go off and she comes back about 10:30. She says she is tired and goes up to bed. Elena, I noticed the other day has a hickey, a small one, but a hickey on her neck. And on Sunday, She bought home some clams and made them. She put some aside for Matt to come by and pick up. Yeah, I guess they're just good friends. wink,wink,nudge,nudge* *Monty Python reference /