Monday, July 22, 2024

Fishing in Moriches, the great car restoration update and the last fireworks for the fourth.

Life’s been busy these last few weeks. We were scheduled to take a fishing trip to Moriches on the 12 of July. In the past I’ve alway scheduled these trips for a Thursday. I used to have Thursdays off when I had my milk business. I’d go out to Moriches with my boat on Thursdays, Saturdays and Sundays during July. Of course, I didn’t have a girlfriend or wife at the time.
The tides were perfect for Friday, the weather looked iffy as early as the week before. I hoped it would clear up by Friday. On Wednesday, it said there was a 50% chance of rain. Slacking off late in the day. Twenty years ago, without a second thought I’d have gone, stayed out late and enjoyed the peaceful waters. Without a boat of my own, we’d have to have the 16 foot skiff back in by 4PM. Plus, I hate to admit it, but I’m getting stuck in my ways and if I haven’t done something in a while, I’m reluctant to do it. It’s been two years since we’ve gone fishing in Moriches.
I wake up at about six in the morning and check the weather. It’s still the same, 50% slacking off in the late afternoon. I let Nastia, Elena and Sean know about the canceled trip. Elena and Sean go to work of all things. I sit around the house trying to avoid a testy wife who is babysitting a rambunctious one year old KJ.
It was not the promised start of a rare three day weekend for me. Oh, yes, the day cleared up and was beautiful in Congers and in Moriches according to the weather service. The great car restoration is making slow progress. Elena seems to want me to be more involved in the car than providing money for parts. The Sunday after the failed Moriches trip I spent helping her put together the rear right knuckle and brake drum where the car was hit eight years ago. I noticed the rear strut, it might be called, I’m not sure was bent. When Elena noticed it I knew it was bent. So as soon as I know what it is called, I purchase the
replacement. She and I shared trying to figure out how to put the knuckle back on, even going as far as removing the tire from the opposite side to compare. So the right rear is 90% done.
THe last fourth of July fireworks were down the street held on the 14th of July, a Sunday. Teri and Elena didn’t want to come see them, so it was just Nastia, Sean and I. We sat near the VFW building, east of the FD and across the street from near the park entrance path. Bugs seemed to be out in force that night even with the citronella bug repellent I bought with me. It’s the circles that go in the clay burner. There seemed to be enough of a breeze that wherever I put it it blew under and away from us. One firework was shot off and we thought it would start. After it went off, the New City FD, not Congers, for some reason sprayed water on a couple lake facing rear roofs of buildings to prevent any possibility of a fire starting on them. They also sprayed people sitting on the opposite side of the building with water. I’m sure they didn’t do it on purpose. The fireworks started about 9:30 and were okay, the grand finale was not grand. They were done before 10. It was just nice to have them back. They hadn’t had them since before Covid.