Saturday, August 20, 2011

Bachelor father

Tonights episode will be in living color...
In tonight’s episode, bachelor father has stayed late at work and his baby-sitter went to the movies and bachelor father is once again imposing on his father in law, who thank god doesn’t mind.  Bachelor father has had a rough week and has had his boss chewing  on his ass, what’s left of it all week, but have no fear bachelor father will rise to the occasion and yell at his kids and make them unhappy, he will come home and even before he steps into the home have a fight with his wife(long distant telephone fights are always ratings grabbers) Then as a topper, the dogs will have messed in the house, someone will step in it and not notice( some scenes may be added, dramatized or time maybe be condensed to fit into the half hour formula required for sitcoms) Bachelor father will leave the air after a fun filled weekend where he doesn’t cook a thing for his little darlings, sends them to bed at their bedtime on a non-school night and worst of all misses his wife. This sitcom will end Monday when their flight  lands at Newark sometime in the evening coming from Vegas.