Friday, April 26, 2019

Helen Hayes Hospital's interesting programs

      I took yesterday Thursday, April 25th off to take Elena to Helen Hayes Hospital. The last time I was at Helen Hayes was in the 1980's after my Aunt Emilie had her stroke. I thought Helen Hayes was just a rehabilitation hospital for stroke victims and such. It turns out it is so much more.
      I really didn't even know why the two of Us were going there. Somehow I got the story that she was going to take tests to find her interests, it was not. The Appointment had been set up by her Access VR counselor Ms. Titer in a meeting I didn't go to. I think neither Teri or I were there.
      The Meeting was set for 9 AM, scheduled to run for about two hours.It gave me a good reason to take a day off. I get Elena up around 8 AM and we're out of the house by 8:30.  We take a quiet ride up 9W talking a little about where We are and other time, like her road test when We were in the area. I mention a gas station where the gas is cheap, so it was an unimportant conversation, but nice. We don't talk too much any more, I miss it.
      We roll into Helen Hayes Hospital up the big sloping driveway and find a parking spot. It is a beautiful campus. Everything is well cared for. Inside the buildings are equally beautiful. We check in at the desk and proceed down a hallway to an elevator and go down a floor to Prosthetics and Rehabilitation. Elena's had some experiences in hospitals lately, that I have not written about, that she is not pleased to be in this one. We check in and it turns out our appointment is for 9:30, so we are early by 35 minutes.
      After a while out Doctor comes out. His name is Marco Riccotoni, He is a very nice guy. He stylish hair cut makes me wish I was younger and had hair to I could get one. It's long on the top and buzz cut on the sides, with a beard. I don't like beards but it look good. It's a version of the hair cuts worn in the late 1920's and 30's. 
       The Doctor is testing Elena for issues with her studies and improving her abilities to do papers. He asks about her laptop and other electronic devices to get an idea if she needs to upgrade them. He tests her vision, asking her to look at his nose and when can she see a pen move around her face. When does the same pen go double moving toward her face and become a single moving away. He tracks her eye movement across a page saying there is delayed eye movement, which can be corrected or at least compensated for. He shows her several web sites for free that give her access to books online. The Text can be enlarged and it can used as an audiobook and read to her. A second Web site has text books on it.
      The Doctor also had her do timed writing. He said it was good enough writing for note taking, but it was not good enough for papers handed in. She was then tested on her typing skills. I guess in this day and age when everyone types, I should not have been surprised at her fluid movement on the keyboard and her ability to type twenty-nine words a minute. It's not a professional speed, but she is aiming for higher. 
      The hour and a half was interesting and if Elena uses the information can help her do better in her time at College.