Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Snow, Snowball fights and Employment

The Weather Service predicted a huge storm to rival the one we had last Friday.
     Last Fridays storm saw a lot of rain and wind. It knocked trees down in Westchester, putting some neighborhoods in the dark still as of today. The Winds knocked over three tractor trailers on the new Tappan Zee bridge (It's not that other name of that forgotten politician). I crossed it south bound before the first one went over. I was in the south bound lane. The Wind hit my car rattling it and every time I looked down at the dashboard, I expected to look up and see myself in the next lane over. It took three tractor trailers flipping over before they closed the bridge to trucks about 11 AM. All Lanes were closed while they removed the Trucks that had flipped going in both directions. I left work at three figuring I'd be smart and go to the Bear Mountain Bridge. I got as far north as Ossining, on Route 9A. Just where it connects with the new part of the road, a tree had fallen and traffic stopped. I left that road convinced that I could find a way around the mess. Every road I went down either a tree or a burning transformer turned me around. I was to find myself back on the same road an hour and a half later. I waited in line again moving up slowly. When I realized my movement was cars turning around I too turned around figuring it would be better to sit on the bridge where I knew people were trying to open the road. I got to the Bridge about 4:30, flew across the bridge like nothing had happened and was home by five. That was the first storm a few days ago.
     Today’s Storm had been predicted for a few days. We prepared for it, getting gas and propane, picking up sticks and items that might get blown around in the storm. The Predictions of the amount of snow raised every day as the storm got nearer. Last Night predictions were about five inches to as much as fifteen.
Everyone figured it was going to be a snow day. They kept pushing back the starting time of the storm. First it was late Tuesday, then midnight Tuesday, then finally Wednesday morning. We didn’t get a call from the school until 5:30 AM Wednesday morning. My Work was closed and when I called to check to see if anyone was in the storm was still minimal. I stayed up stairs most of the day because Teri was on a conference call teaching people in Canada her job because they are closing the office she works in and she will lose her job at the end of the month.
     About four in the afternoon, I heard Elena shoveling the driveway. I thought that was very sweet of her. I got dressed and asked her if she wanted to use the snow blower.
     I don’t know if anyone remembers the TV show ‘Tool Time’ The Main character had a motto, ‘More Power’. That is me so when I bought the snow blower back in 94, I got a very big one and over the years the shifter has stuck in fifth gear. So if your not care full, it will drag you across the yard. I showed Elena all the ins and outs of the snow blower as Nastia throws snowballs at me. We snow blow the neighbors driveway before the unit quits on me. Tomorrow I’ll look at it.
     As I bought the blower back into the yard, Nastia was again throwing snowballs. I grabbed up a bunch of snow, about  8-10 inches across and tossed it at her. During the time it took me to gather up a big ball of snow and throw it at one of the girls, they're able to hit me with several. I chased Nastia into the back end of the Yard with the biggest one and sort of hit her with it. Misha, thinking she need to get in on the action followed, jumping on me and generally having a good time. After I threw the snow, I turned and chased Misha back toward the door. Getting to the back steps, exhausted and out of breath, I realized I’m getting to old for this s..t. (Thank You Danny Glover and Lethal Weapon)
     It was a fun day.