Saturday, June 19, 2021

Seeing the bad side of the Muller Family

Friday afternoon Elena informs us she will not be having dinner home. She has been spending alot of time with Matt after work lately. School is out and he now has sometime to spend with her. She says his mom is having a BBQ and has invited her. Later it turns out that the BBQ is on Saturday and Elena is now asking if Matt can eat with us. I'm at work reading the exchange between Elena and Teri. I have forgotten Nastia and I had planned to make meatballs and have spaghetti with them. I am reminded of this around five when Nastia calls to ask if it is pork she needs to get. I tell her never mind, plans have changed and now we are going to the Taco factory with Matt. Nastia is a little put out with me because if she didn't call she'd have bought the pork. I told her no big deal, the pork would have not gone bad. It was also a good thing she didn't buy the pork because Teri got home first and she didn't need the added stress of cooking after the week she has had.(Job issues). We are all home around seven and walok down to th enew Taco Factory. Before the Taco Factory,it was Sangria's cafe, before that it was Sangria's. All three owned by the same person or group. Sangria's moved to a bigger building on Rt 303 and is doing very good. Sangria's cafeserving american food/ deli didn't do so good. Foood was good, but it wasn't special. We walk in to the Taco Factory and are seated in the corner near the windows. Elena sits near Matt and during most of the night they hold hands. Elena talks about getting another tatoo. I have kept silent about this subject from the beginning when Teri got her first tatoo. One or two tatoos can look sexy, but I've seen some women covered in tatoos and even if they bath three times a day their skin looks dirty to me. So I hear this little voice in the back of my mind. It is Teri saying if I don't approve of tatoos say something. Yeah, wrong time and wrong place, but I give my speach about what I think of tatoos. I dont realize it at the time but it upsets Elena. Now she doesn't choose to attack me, but instead she begins to attack her sister, not right away, but she starts saying things about her when the conversation goes to has she filled out the card her union sent her asking for her to name a benificiary on either
her 401 or a life insurance policy. It makes no sense to name Teri or I and it is too early to name Matt. So Nastia it is. When Elena says she doesn't want to. Nastia adds fuel to the fire by saying she didn't want to name her sister either. Thing don't get better. I get upset and tell Teri I'll go pay for the drinks we've ordered and let's leave. Teri says, no. I sweep my hand and say, "I don't real want to be in the same room with these two right now." It puts a big chill on the evening. The table is silent after that. Conversation does gradually return. Which was a good thing. The Taco Factory is very under staffed and it is their Grand Opening weekend. So we sit for over an hour waiting for our food. It finally arrives, Teri ordered a steak taco, it is very good, Elena orders a burrito, She is unhappy because it has been cut in half. Nastia ordered a buritto also. Matt I don't remember what he ordered. I ordered a chimichanaga filled with pork called pastor. I looked it up, it's pork marinated, then grilled. The chimichanga had a sweet taste to it. I guess they put some fruit in it. It was real good. Teri gave me a corner of her steak taco, it was real good too. Except for seeing the bad side of the Muller family, I think Matt enjoyed his food too. Well such is life. I didn't realize at the time, but the crappy evening was my fault. I didn't have to talk about tatoos and how I don't like they there. I didn't realize how it put a real chill on the evening and set Elena off. Before that she was not attacking her sister. /