Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Oh Boy, but in a good funny way.

I forget how the conversation started but Elena walks in talking to Matt on the phone. Elena Teri and I start talking, more joking around about her and Matt, I think. Some how kissing good night cames up and Elena says, "If Matt is laying beside me in my bed you're going to kiss him good night?" Teri says, "Two people couldn't fit in that bed." I jump in with a quick, "Yes, I'd kiss him good night." It was a weird conversation, but it was fun and light hearted. That was Friday I think. Last night, Saturday I go in to kiss Elena good night when out of the corner of my eye I see Matt wiggle his tongue between his fingers, Now for all of you out there who don't know, that symbolizes oral sex. I kiss Elena and whisper in her ear, "Tell Matt I saw that." and I leave to go kiss Nastia good night, leaving Elena giggling a little. On my way back past Elena's room I say to her, "Because of what I saw there is no kiss good night for Matt." and walk away. And yes I noticed hickies on Elena's neck again on Friday at the dinner table. All of this is harmless fun and I hope they are careful. I don't want either of my daughters to look back and say I'm surprized I lived through thoses years or thoughts like that. Some of you out there know what I'm talking about. The Girls and work Elena several years ago, maybe two years ago became a personal assistant to a manager. A great title, no extra money, but full or next to full time hours. Recently she texts saying she is going to be late coming home, she has been asked to work a little later on the register. Considering she tried to get hired as a cashier, but had issues making change. Now in a pinch they put her on a register.She has grown in very positive ways in that job. She is talking about going to Auto repair school this April. Maybe she has grown in her experences and maybe she will find her passion and go full out at school and RCC will be a distant memory of somebody she used to be. From what I hear from Nastia at her job, it's not good. She keeps getting put on counting customers coming into the store. One of the few stores that still are doing that. It makes me feel that they are trying to get her to quit. The job is boring and people with less time there are on the registers. Nastia makes more then them get her to quit and your budget has a little more flexability. Maybe I'm all wrong and counting people coming into the store is important still and she is responcible and it is an honor to do that job. It's Tuesday morning and Teri is sitting across from me on a conference call with people from China. She is so good
at this even though she doesn't like it. She has all the answers, someons says could you email me about this and she replys that she has already and can do it again if they want. She is orgainzed, has the information at her finger tips she needs, I sit here in amazement. I have tried for five years or so since I started working at The Crystal Spoon to get that organized. I have struggled as the size of the company and the volumn of the meals and customers I oversee to get to the point Teri has achieved. I have worked hard to be where she seems to get to out of habit. And I sure she doesn't think it's that big of a deal. She is really an amazing person. She just said to me after what I considered a very impressive conference call, " I quit, I quit, I quit." I asked her why? She said because no one can get her a stright answer. And if you were listeningit's almost spring and we are just dealing with winter heat pump technology issues. Sounds like no one has the answers to the question why a heat pump won't work when it is twenty-seven degrees outside and the heat light is flashing. Is it broken or unable to function in such a cold climate.