Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Revenge of the Teenage Mutant Ninja daughter or Does Father know best

It was a little before eight in the morning in Happyville when Teenage Mutant Ninja Daughter walks into the kitchen. Father knows best notices his daughter is dressed up and in black. He still sees his daughters as the little kids they were four years ago when they came over from Russia. Back then when they were asked if they wanted more and didn't like something they said "Oh, its good, no thank you." but that's another story.
  Kitten (another father knows best reference) goes to Papa, trying to divert attention from her short shirt over spandex " Don't You like the way I look.I'm dressed all in black." Father knows best has noticed, but not the short shirt, which is covered by a rain jacket type jacket ( If she was a flasher at least she'd have the right coat on) Father knows best looks her over and is about to tell her how pretty she looks when a hand darts out from behind her and gives a tug on a garment unseen until now. His eyes linger for a moment until he realizes she is wearing spandex and either forgot to put on a skirt or she is wearing a shirt that is too short for that outfit. Father knows best tries to play it cool, he still remembers being a teenager. He asks "Is that an outfit your mother made up or did you put it together?"
Athena questions why wear clothes if you wear that
  The Teenage Mutant Ninja daughter sees red lights go off around her, her sister is comforted in the knowledge it is not her wearing the clothes. Teenage Mutant Ninja daughter knows there could be trouble. She coyly replies "What outfit?" Father knows best repeats his question and she is trapped and out witted.    She plays her mother card but not really well, answering the question. Mommy bought this for me over the weekend.
  Father knows best senses something is not right and takes out his camera and snaps a picture of her and e-mails his wife. The Teenage Mutant Ninja daughter nervously pulls at her almost visible skirt.
  Father knows best finishes his e-mail and asks his daughter to turn around and bend over. Yes it is not polite to ask a teenage mutant ninja daughter to do this but when he sees nothing but butt the gig is up and Father knows best starts in on his "Your not going to school dressed like that speech". He peppers it with ' I still remember what it is to be a teenager. and I was young once.and You think you can handle boys until a two hundred pound boy has you pinned to the floor of the boys locker and there is no one around' and other classics like that. I know some might feel I am being too protective and demanding of my children, but I rather error on the side of safety then to regret it for the rest of my life. Go in peace,the mass is over.