Friday, June 14, 2019

The End of High School

You hate it, you love it,it still comes to an  end. Today is Friday June 14, 2019 and it is the second to last day of High school for Elena. I got her up this morning like I have for the past four years. Nastia having finished her first year at RCC sleeps in. The four years at North, for me have gone by in the blink of an eye. I remember nearer the beginning of High School wondering how I would manage to get through all these years of getting up at six in the morning. The Girls had is worse, after getting up at six, they had to go to school. I still would have traded with them to go back to High School even though I hated it like Elena does. It's a simpler time. After this life will sneak up on you and start to get more complicated. They'll go to College, get full time jobs, life will be great. Then they'll want things, a better car, to live on their own, to live with someone they love. They'll be making good money, so they'll get the car, a pet or two, an apartment, then maybe a house and suddenly life is not so simple, even if you can afford all your wants.
       This last week or so after getting Elena up and getting the dogs outside with Teri, I've gone back to bed. On this second to last day of her high school career she comes into the bedroom to give me a kiss goodbye. I hug her, kiss her and tell her that she is going to miss high school after it is over. I get this look for her that says, no, I don't think so, as she walk away. I should of explained that it will be more the simpler times she'll miss. The day I graduated high school, I didn't appreciate the thought that I'd never be a student there ever again. Up to the point of graduation, all of your life is consumed with school. When does it start, when are the holidays and when does it end. After it's over, it's a new ballgame.
      One of the memories I have and will keep for the rest of my life is getting up at six AM in the winter. The alarm going off too soon, the heat clicking on and the warm air flowing out of the vents. Getting out of the nice warm bed a little too soon before the heat has fully warmed the house. Going past the night light in the bathroom, making the left and going down the hallway to where the girl are both sleeping. Into the room in the half light, Elena in her sleeping bag, Nastia huddled under some soft blankets. Neither one under the sheets and blankets on the bed. Wanting to go back to bed as I gently touch their arm or brush hair from their faces. Thinking about it, maybe I guess I could do another year or so of this, it was not so bad and maybe, I guess I'll miss it too.