Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Over Protective Papa

From two Sundays ago
I got home early today. The Girls had ESL, which ended around noon and Elena lately said she was bored, so I took them bike riding down at Conger's Lake. We walked the bikes down to the entrance near the pizza parlor, they got on their bikes and rode them until they got to the parking lot in Valley Cottage end of the park and they rode back, about a mile one way. They did it a second time. After that I noticed Nasta riding back and forth where I was. she said she was tired. I noticed the group of boys. One time I called her over and asked her if they were bothering her. She said no and I also asked if they were being respectful. Again she said yes. She rode past them several times. On the last time her and her sister together went towards Valley Cottage. The boys about five or so followed, so did I. I was walking quickly, as I walked I was thinking of what to say when I got there and nothing was happening. I went around a turn and up ahead their bikes were neatly parked along the side of the path. There was no sign of them or the boys. I saw one slip into a break in the bushes and heard voices. I thought I heard Elena say get your hands off me. Later Nasta said she never said that. She also said she never cursed at her sister when they bumped into each other near the boys, I heard that one and she said it never happened. She tells lies.

October 2008
   Some people were looking toward the bushes with concern on their faces.  I followed the boy into the brush getting myself all worked up. Without thinking what I was going to do I came on the group of them and quickly figured I needed to scare them good. SO in my mean bully voice I said " What the f..k is going on here". I got one or two to quickly explain what happened. When I heard what was going on and Nasta said it didn't happen that way. (Got a problem here with her and lies.) I put my hand up to the kid who was taking and said it was OK. I told him that as he met more girls he would meet more overly protective fathers like me. We left and I would not let the girls ride in that section of the park any more. The chain came off on one of their bikes, so I ran down the other end of the park concerned at what they had gotten into this time. That was my excuse to end the fun and we went home.
  I try to have an open relationship about sex with the girls. When we got home I asked both girls to come sit with me in the living room, they asked if they were in trouble and I said a little. I proceeded to explain why girls should not go into bushes with groups of boys. I used words like One would cover your mouth. Another would hold your arms one on each leg while the last one pulls off your clothes and has sex with you whether you want to or not. It's not all boys just some. They giggled from nerves, which is what they do. I want to protect them but not make them scared. It's a tough middle ground. They want to be trusted. Nasta asked when will she be allowed to go out with her friends alone? I said soon, not today or tomorrow, maybe not next week. She asks will it be before I'm fifteen? I said don't know , it will be when it feels right. We get one wrong in this area and I will never forgive myself.
   Walking away from the boys I look over at the two of them and say get used to that scene, you will see it again and again. Usually Nasta gives me the are you really going to do that look, and then says it. This time she didn't, maybe she liked the feeling of protection. I realize even more now how much they don't know. Are all girls that unknowing and innocent? Or do I just think that little of my sex? Over the years we have not been that honorable.