Sunday, August 7, 2011

The good life

Sometimes you have to just look at life and be amazed at how full it is and how lucky you are. Things can hit you one way and then you look at them and hit you another.
  Alot happened today. After I stopped talking about the trip to Russia, I went out to mow Tony's lawn. Teri was not pleased that I waited until 11:30 to do it, she wanted to go out and shop for Elena's birthday. I got back in time and Teri left for the store. the strange things, I guess that is not a proper word, but it will have to do until I can think of a better one. The strange things started to happen when it started to rain and the girls asked if they could come in from outside and go watch TV. I would not let them inside on such a beautiful day. It started to rain about four and Elena wanted to take a bath instead of a shower, fine I said. I finished up making chili and let it simmer on the stove at a very low temp. I think this makes for the best chili, and I went to see how hard it was raining and it wasn't, so I started mowing the lawn. About half way into the lawn it starts to rain and it gets harder and I think I've done enough for the day. I come in and check the chili, as I stir it I hear water running as if a pipe is broken and I did most of the plumbing on the house so I figure it has to be a pipe. I run to the cellar and listen and I hear nothing. I realize the sound is coming from the hallway. Elena had started to run a bath for herself and the tub had filled up and the shower curtain had caught in the upper drain and the water had begun to pour out of the tub and seep between the cracks in the floor and to drip down the stairs and out the holes in the archway. Now hours later it is a little funny. then it was "What the hell is going on up there?" I race upstairs and I see the tub over flowing and one daughter, Elena going into the bathroom saying "I'm sorry daddy, I didn't mean to do it."
  The thing that bothers me the most is I have hit her, but not a lot and only once in the recent past when she picked up something from near a garbage can and it looked like she put it in her mouth. She said she was smelling it. I don't know I caught her in a lie two days later when I came into the house and see her drinking soda straight out of the bottle and when she was confronted by me said she was just looking at it, and she wasn't. But my point is I don't hit her, I yell and she saw me at the top of the stairs and the tub was over flowing and she shys away from me as if I was going to give her the back of my hand in anger. I don't know what I've done to her for her to think I would hit her like that. If she wasn't so afraid, I'd say I was hurt by her reaction. I have to talk to her about it.
  The water got sopped up and the house dried out quickly some how and I talked to Teri and told her what happened and not to get angry. We all talked about it over dinner and I don't know if she will get to take a bath anytime soon. She let the tub run over because she was watching TV. That TV will be turned off when showers are taken for now on.
  The other thing that happened was Athena got sprayed by a skunk and we used tomato juice we used on kodi when we first moved here and it had gone out of date in 2007. It looked like tomato sauce, but it smelled ok, better then Athena. I miss Kodi and Mo.