Tuesday, February 1, 2022

The Girls go to school and other fun stuff you do as careless twenty somethings

Nastia stopped going to college around a year, maybe two ago when classes at RCC classes went on line. She kept saying that she needed to be in the class room to learn. I can understand. I took a course on line to learn Microsoft Office years ago and I sat on a couch leaning over my computer on a coffee table. In a few minutes I'd be falling asleep. I had a year to finish the course, never was able to. So the end of January arrives and Nastia has jumped through all of the requisite hoops and put in all of her paperwork. It doesn't feel like it but according to the State of New York and SUNY,the State University of New York we made too much money. So Nastia will not get grants like she did the last time from ACCESS-VR. So some more hoops are jumped through and a loan is taken out for college. I am impressed, she did it all by herself. A week or so into school, Nastia announces her classes for the first two weeks are on line. She is not happy. On the morning of her first class on line, I'm sitting at the table in the dining room. Teri calls and says to get Nastia up early so she can get set up before class and be ready for it's start. I open the door to her room. Amanda has recently departed the room, but the affects or is it effects of her
presents in the room is still ominpresent (defination: widely or constanantly encountered common or widespread, "the omnipresent threat of natural disasters..)I had to put the defination right next to the word because the example is so descriptive of the affects (effects?) of Amanda. If Amanda was a hurricane, they'd retire the name because of how big the mess is. I don't think former boyfriends and her broke up, I think a pile of her clothes fell on them and they are buried underneath. I slide my feet between the beds in the half light of Nastia's room and tickle the edge of Nastia's nose. She rubs her nose and continues to sleep. I rub it again. This time she rubs it a little more violently. A third time and her eyes open as a groan escapes her lips. I tell her she needs to get up and set up the computer for her online class. She tells methere is three hours until class. I sy she can go back to bed after the computer is set up. She reluctantly throws off her covers, the 16 degree weather outside has slowed the warming of the house. Heavy steps for a hundred pound girl hit the stairs, that creak menacingly as she decends them, she is not happy to be up so early. Out comes her computer. I offer her my computer and or a larger screen.She says "no" The larger screen won't connect to her computer anyway. With little or no problem she connects to the zoom class set up and is ready for class. I'm happy and
relieved. Teri will be too when I text her. I tell Nastia she can go back to bed now. Elena has started her automotive class again. Her work at ShopRite has adjusted her hours to more towards mornings. And then they throw her some 1 in the afternoon to 9 at night. She really is enjoying her classes. For my birthday I was given new head lights for my car. She wants to bring my car to class and put them in. I'm all for it, it's still 16 degrees outside and my hands just don't work like they used to even in the best of times.(sucks turning 64, I'm sure it will get better as I get older, or at least I won't remember.) My Birthday 1/29/22 I was born at the end of January in 1958. I've never really liked my birthday, but that's a story for another time. My birthday is on a Saturday this year. We really haven't had too much winter yet this year. It's been cold, but very little snow. So when the weather forcaster calls for a major snow storm on my birthday, it's a go figure moment. Merriam-Webster defines 'go figure' as something surprising or hard to understand. Of course, I'm using it sarcastically. Things just seem to happen around my birthday, but that's a story for another time. A day before my birthday, Teri,Nasita and I order chinese food. That night Teri begins to feel sick to her
stomach. She spends the next three day at home feeling very poorly. People get sick around my birthday, but that's a story for an other time. On Saturday morning Teri had planned to make fried pizza dough. Yeah, it sounds real bad when you call it that, it's real good though and when you change it's name to pizzafret, it becomes exotic and historic, really an old
world thing. Spread some butter on a warm one add a little cinnamon and sugar and your set. Jelly is good too. Needless to say with the storm coming in on the 29th and Teri feeling sick, our planned birthday trip to the Outback in Monroe, which by the way has the very best steaks I've tasted in a long time is not going to happen. It's a trip, but well worth it. Teri says she'll make me up a lasagna, which I thought was really a good idea., but on Saturday, she really doesn't feel that good, so the girls and I make tacos together, which for me is the best treat I could have gotten on my birthday. It is a very rare day when I get to cook with the both of them and they stay for the entire time. There was no call me if you need me. Sunday Teri wants to make up for Saturday. No not that way, but it would have been nice. So she make the lasagna. I didn't know until we sat down for dinner that neither of the girls like lasagna. So I over ate by eating a six inch by one and a half inch piece of lasagna. The girls had lasagna noodles and meatballs. It was a really nice weekend. Oh and the snow storm is blown south of us. We got a lot of wind, but only about three inches. Long Island got two feet. /