Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Tenting tonight and allowing ourselves to greive.

Nastia somehow got it in to her head that she wanted to sleep outside in a tent. Teri has an almost brand new Swiss Army tent that has been in the garage for several years... So guess who slept outside? It was a big event for the girls. Elena had her friend Jessica over and she wanted to join them and I said yes.
  Congers fireworks were the same night. My leg hurt and Teri was in a mood. (More later) So we stayed home. Eventually we all ended up standing in the backyard watching the fireworks. The Girls went up to the street to get a better look.
  That is when Teri let down her guard a little and got past the anger and cried a little over the fireworks. She quietly said "That one is one that my mother loved"It was a tough couple of weeks if you think about it. Her mother's birthday, her father's birthday and between the two their anniversary. It's been four years, maybe five since her mother's gone and she might only now be allowing herself to feel the loss. She is a strong driven person. I wish I was like her more.
   As a few tears trickled down her cheek, I took her in my arm for a moment. The fireworks had ended and the girls were coming back and Teri didn't want to have to explain why she was crying, it would take away from the release of feelings and lessen its effect.
   The Girls then piled into the tent.
Teri was worried they would be cold and we went inside. About three in the morning Nastia came into to use the bathroom, but that was all we saw of them the whole night.
  The next morning Teri went to work, and I let the girls sleep in and went to try to refinance the house.
   The short on that is the income is enough, the equity in the house is short. We'd end up with a third of what I wanted to retire all the short term bills.
   I got back in time to drive Nastia over to Germonds pool to swim with Kaley, leaving Elena and Jessica at the house to swim.
   By early afternoon Elena and Jessica were...come on take a guess. It's the first week of summer vacation. What would you of told your mother? Yea, we were never bored. There was always something to do as a kid in the 60's and 70's. There were kids around all the time, you could play baseball, go swimming, tell your mother you were bored. It was so different! I don't think it was better, just different.
  Jessica's mom calls around three and I tell her Jessica wants to sleep over again. She is fine with that except she has group. I say she can go and come back later.
   I get a call from Teri sometime around Five saying Jessica's mom just called and said Nastia was face timing her boyfriend from the tent in only her underwear. Everyone was all upset and after I calmed down I went outside and asked Elena to come and sit next to me on the stairs of the deck and I asked her if anything happened in the tent that shouldn't of. She goes "like what?" Sometimes I can read body language, other times like everyone else I am so wrapped up in myself that I don't take the time to look at the signs that are in front of me. I didn't look at Elena's body language to see if she was hiding anything, or not telling the truth. I went to pick up Nastia and we talked  and I didn't read her body language. I was not in the tent last night so I have to believe Nastia it didn't happen. I also told her I took someone else's word for the truth and when it turned out to be a lie I didn't talk to her for two days I was so hurt. I also reminded her little punishment now, later the truth comes out, much bigger trouble.
  When We got home Teri was there and she wanted to know what happened. Nastia said nothing happened. Teri said there was a video made.and to get her phone.
   On the phone was Nastia saying "I want to f... you in the pool, I want to f... you in the bed and a few other things. She said it was on a dare from Jessica and Elena. Later Elena says it was Justin's dare.
   The fall out is hard to tell. Jessica didn't come back last night and they tent was lent out to Amanda for a few days.
   When the tent comes back, Nastia can't sleep out with Jessica. L don't know who's rule that is, but it tells Nastia we don't believe her, and I guess we don't. We know the dare part is a lie. And we know Nastia does sometimes sleep without a shirt on when it's too hot.The next morning she was fully clothed.
  I know for a fact that things happen in a tent when you sleep out. That is the fun of sleeping out. My friend, Mike and I got into all kinds of mischief when we slept out. Is there a double standard because they are girls or there is the time difference of  forty-five or so years?
Wearing shirts from four years ago
Or is it take what happens in the tent stays in the tent was broken? Are we making a big deal over this because Nastia and Elena violated every rule I put down for use of X-box and gave out names, phone numbers and addresses to her internet boyfriend ? All I know of this kid is what I hear over x-box and the random text I read off Nastia's phone.He was texting and wanting to face time her all the time to the point she had no time to herself. She put limits on it, I was pleased. He comes off as needy and lonely. The few facts I know about him is he curses alot. He plays x-box at all hours of the night and day. We let the girls get up at five on a Saturday to play and they were playing with him. He eats his dinner in his room, maybe not all, but I don't know. I should be thankful that he can't touch her. There was talk of him coming down from where he lives to see her. Nastia had it in her mind he would stay with us.I killed that right there. I said "I will not have a complete stranger under my roof, in my house, near my daughter. You want to go on a date with him, my fifteen year old daughter? here are the rules. He comes down with his parents for a day trip or they find some place to stay,not here. I need notice. If he is showing up on Saturday, I want to know about it on the Monday before. You will go on a date like Elena did, with adult supervision to Dave and Busters or some place like that where I can meet the parents and not be stuck with talking to them for a lot time, if I don't want to. He will not be alone with my fifteen year old daughter. When you get older it will be different. Am I being too easy? hee, hee. God sometimes there is fun in my misery.
   The picture above resulted from me finding two shirts from when they first were over here. I had the bright idea that they should try them on and they did. The picture doesn't tell it, but it made them both look a few years older and scared me. Nastia loved the fact it didn't cover her stomach and Elena loved that if she wore it all day she could push me in the pool.