Wednesday, May 20, 2015

About a week ago, Nastia and I went back to the belly of the beast, the lair of the Dragon, the ... well you know DMV

About a week ago, Nastia and I went back to the belly of the beast, the lair of the Dragon, the ... well you understand, we went back to the DMV and she failed the test.
  It went so easy this time that I knew the only thing that could, would go wrong was she would fail the test.

It was a lovely spring afternoon, I pick her up at school, we dart over to the DMV, there is only a few people there on a Wednesday and we have our go to the head of the line pass still. And it was all over before I knew it. You know like...when... you know... great expectations... something you've been waiting for... anticipating... you know... getting your license. The anticipation was... hey she still hasn't gotten her license. She got sixteen of twenty right and had to get eighteen of twenty right.
  Watch, next time we go they'll just deport her.

Elena joined the track team and has been enjoying herself doing it. She has been getting good grades on her circle sheet and Dr.Benjamin and I have disconnected the hot line between our house and the school. Things could not be going better for her.She will go on to High School with about a B average or a little less. Very impressive from a year ago. Nastia will go onto tenth with an average around B+,also very impressive.
   Nastia's Spring concert was tonight and it was a joy to sit through.I'm used to going to the elementary school show that drag on forever and you don't want to be there and the kids don't want to be there and it drags on forever. This was a tight one hour show, with music I mostly knew and it was well done. There was So it goes, a Billy Joel song, Somebody to love, a Queen song and a medley of Beach Boy hit among others.I could of sat for an other hour. Very well done.