Saturday, July 6, 2019

July 4th ho humm through to July 9th their first beach day without us into the evening

I'm starting this post on July 6th 2019. Hopefully it will end on July 9th 2019 in the evening after Nastia and Elena have successfully returned from the Jersey shore. I can think of all sorts of horror stories that could befall the two of them on this trip, but like everything in life that scares you and you don't know how ironic that sounds coming from the shyest kid to ever go through school in Clarkstown, they have to be allowed to spread their wings and learn to fly if I want them to be successful and happy in life.
       Several weeks ago there was talk going around that the girls wanted to go to the shore. I ignored it, it was a while in the future. I was reminded about two week ago by their talk. This time I took notice and listened to what the plan was. Nancy was going to be the guide. The girls would drive. Now I always meant to teach them to drive on the Thruway and the Garden State and the Palisades Parkway, but there always seemed to be more important things to do. Immediately I put my foot down and said they could not go without another licensed driver. Nancy found a friend who asked if her grand daughter could come along too. That was not a problem. Things progressed smoothly from there.
       We went to Sally Ann's house for the Fourth of July. Elena had to work and couldn't/ didn't want to go.
The weather was hot and I finally got to make my jello shots, they were the hit of the party to some. I didn't have any. I didn't drink. We picked up Sally, Sally Ann's mom from Congers and with Teri driving we went up Route 9W past all the people who drove from somewhere else to spend the day at Bear Mountain State Park. It was so crowded there must have been a hundred cars parked on both the sides of the road along Route 9W. As we passed Hessian Lake at the northern end of the park all you could see were BBQ grill smoke and people. It did kind of look fun. Crowded, but maybe fun. Past the traffic circle near the Bear Mountain Bridge and it was another world. The traffic stopped, the crowds ended and the sleepy towns of the northern suburbs on a holiday weekend reappeared. Open empty roads were ahead of us and we got to Sally Ann's house just in time to see their float before it left for the parade. I gave the first jello shot to Sally Ann, she said she needed it. Twenty minutes later or so we walk up to the main road near her house to watch the parade. The temperature still hovered in the low 90's with a thick blanket of humidity around three-thirty when the parade started. We hung out and watched the parade. Three time I thought the parade had ended because we could not see any more marchers. But everytime I said lets go, more would appear far down the road. Finally after the third time I'd had enough and crossed the road to go back to Sally Ann's. The Jello shot were handed out freely to anyone over twenty and a half years old. Nastia being the twenty and a half year old who was allowed to try some. She had one and she also had a Mike's flavored drink. I forget with what, she didn't like it. There were chips and dips, hot dogs burgers, the usual BBQ stuff oh and there were Jello shots by some thoughtful person. I got some time to watch the Yankee game. Sally and I talked about her condo in South Carolina she's thinking about getting rid of.

We also talked some about my failure to get anything build in Nyack on Tony's property and how much time it took her to get her place built and how that would never fly today. We left a little after nine at night. I wanted to get home before Elena got home so she would not come home to an empty house. Nastia said she'd prefer the quiet of an empty house. I drove home because I wanted to. I was also reminded why Teri usually drives when we go somewhere. She has a hard time driving with other people these days. I can understand, I have trouble driving with her sometimes.
       We survived each other and I took her directions when they suited me and ignored her fears when I felt they were unwarranted. She wanted to go the Palisades from the traffic circle near Bear Mountain, we went that way and arrived home safely and to an already sleeping Elena.
 Today, Saturday the girls got up early to prove to me they were competent to drive on the Garden State. I handed the keys to Nastia and told her to drive to the Palisades Mall. We got to the mall and I told her to get on the Thruway. At eight in the morning on a Saturday the Thruway wasn't bad. She used a little help from her sister and we were on our way. I didn't know how far we'd go, but I wanted they both to drive a long distance and to experience the different things needed to survive a trip on a major road like that. Nastia exited the Thruway to the Garden State. I explained that on Tuesday all you'd have to do is go straight and get off at the  beach exit you wanted. Nastia drove steady for most of the trip. She tended to drive a little too much to the right in whatever lane she drove in. One or twice she would veer into the right lane. She was unsure about passing cars, but all and all she was deemed to be reasonably a safe driver. She went through toll booths and switched lanes to get into the correct lane to take the Garden State to the shore points around exit 129 or so. We stopped at the first rest stop to turn around, it had been about an hours ride. I went to the bathroom, Nastia got an apple and a drink, Elena said she was good. Elena took over driving, we got gas at $2.92 a gallon. Since it was my expedition, I paid for the gas. Elena turned us north and we headed for home. Elena drives more then her sister and the extra experience shows. She was more comfortable passing cars and just in general driving. She did have a tendency to occasionally drift out of her lane. I don't know if her mind wanders or if it was something else. It happened three times. As the Garden State Parkway ended Elena picks up on the correct way to go. I tell her to get on the Thruway. She says OK and then takes the exit for Nanuet, After it was too late, I pointed to her where I wanted her to be.Then I tell her it is OK, you'll learn another way to get home if the thruway is backed up.
It was a fun two hours with the girls. I hope they will be safe on their trip and I can write a glowing finish to this story on Tuesday night or Wednesday. With pictures they have taken.
7:49 AM July 9, 2019
Well they just left. I was getting breakfast when I heard the car start. The Escape has an exhaust issue so when it starts it's a little louder then it should be. The low rumble of the car, a few slamming doors and then the sound began to fade and they were gone to pick up Nancy and spend the day at the beach. Nancy's friend, Michele and her granddaughter filled out the cast of characters in today's epic adventure.
       Preparations for there grand adventure started yesterday. The day started rainey. That type of rain that made you almost need your wipers and when you did use them they weren't needed. Around eleven it cleared and became a nice day. It was warn, but not hot, The girls cleaned the inside of the car. vacuumed it and ran it through the car wash. I got a call around two in the afternoon from Nastia. She called to say Elena was walking home from New City. They'd had a fight over something and Elena got mad handed the key to Nastia's car to her and decided to walk. Of course no one was at fault. They'd just spent too much time together and lunch in New City was a little too much time together. I called Elena who'd by then gotten to the high school and told her to wait for her sister. She told me her side of the story and by the time she finished Nastia had found her and they both drove home together.
       Last night I went to pick up Elena whos car is still in need of repair. Nasita asked to come and we took her car so we could get gas in it in Jersey. We found a station selling gas for $2.65 a gallon. With a full tank a cooler of cold drinks, two chairs, a blanket, 50 sunscreen they are ready to go. Everything was packed this morning and now they are off. GOD KEEP THEM SAFE!   
This morning came early and a little angry. The girls got up at 7AM, They mostly had everything they needed ready and in the car. Michele, Nancy's friend showed up on time and everything was running smooth.
The world was very crooked that day.
       Last night I made the mistake of bring up Elena's car. I wanted her to have a better car and I thought it was a settled thing, it wasn't. The numbers if you ran them started to not workout. We got $1640.00 for the car repairs. The tow was $200.00, new tires were about $150.00, rimes included. That left about $1200.00. The car we were looking at was $2500.00 I thought I could get it for around $2000.00. There was a gap of $800.00 I was hoping to sell the car for about a thousand. That left little room for the unexpected. I got the unexpected from Teri. She thought Elena should just fix the car she has. Elena know the car and there is no problems with it after the repairs(hopefully). Teri and I had a loud discussion about it and after a while I quit fighting and said I would tell Chris to just fix the car. When I fight with Teri it doesn't matter if I win or not because I feel bad whatever  happens so in my daughter's eyes I must be the biggest pussy they have ever seen. It's sad but the joke is true about who has your balls after you get married. (excuse the last bit. I'm drinking and have no filter right now) So after last night's 'discussion' I thought another 'discussion' would not happen. Teri is in a job that is sucking the life out of her. It kind of is like Marcus Dairy was for me. The only difference is her income is what keeps this family going. So after last night Teri needed to vent and vent she did. She feel forgotten, unimportant, except for her paycheck. She is left out of things and there has been time where she felt she would like to just disappear completely.
       Its several hours later and the girls are home and safe. I'm sorry if I gave away the ending to the story.
 Nastia drove part of the way down to the beach and Elena took over to finish. They texted they arrived at 10:36. I'd asked for pictures and they sent the above left picture, a beach selfie. During the day Nancy sent a few more pictures of the girls and around 6:23 Elena announced they were heading home. We got the occasional update of where they were. They hit a little stop and go traffic and Teri texted a warning about how quickly it can stop and to be very careful. At 8:26 Elena texted they were leaving Nyack. It took them a little over two hours to drive home, not bad. Teri and I were waiting for them and met them on the front porch. Nancy's friend Michele and her granddaughter came up to shake our hand and say how much fun the trip was and how well the girls drove. It was very nice of her to do that. She even pitched in for some of the gas. Everyone was happy and arrived home safe. I could not have asked for more. After dark Elena went outside to finish setting off her fireworks. I was out with her and Nastia the previous two nights to supervise. After seeing what was allowed by the state of tighta.., I mean New York I didn't bother going out to supervise. The fireworks were very harmless. They were just fountains. No firecrackers, M80's not even roman candles. All very safe. New York is so good at keeping the stupid safe. Now if they could just save the middle class and make New York affordable again. OOOh, that sounded a little to trumpey there.