Monday, October 22, 2012

Equal Time

Elena is up-stairs sick. Nastia was sick a few weeks ago and then Teri and both stated home. When Nastia stayed home for most of the week Elena was all bent out of shape.She kept saying that's not fair that she gets to stay home and I don't. She was a little bratty.
   There was a time when the girls where first here (2009-2010) that Elena had a cough and said she felt bad. this went on for almost two weeks for the first week she stayed home. Over the weekend she seemed to be OK until she went to bed then she would cough. This went on for the second week and it made Teri and I feel like we were bad parents. We didn't know what was wrong with her. After a while it seemed that she was looking for attention and forcing herself to cough. I think she did admit to it or we just started to ignore it after the start of the third week.
  We all went out for pizza last night an invitation for Harriett. My mom and Eric, Lynn and Dennis were there also. Everyone eat well. Elena had been coughing in the mornings since Friday. This morning she said her stomach hurt. I let it go. She ate a good breakfast and was ready to go to school.
   With Elena, I feel rightly or wrongly you have to be careful with her. When she is sick or not sick, you can't tell the difference. She loves the attention, the specialness of being sick. What kid didn't or doesn't. When she said her stomach felt bad I felt it was time to put her to bed. She isn't sick enough to stay home, but Teri and I had a big fight last night over how I treat Elena. She is very much like me and I very much don't want her to grow up like me and miss lots of opportunities because all she wants to do is have fun like I did. I've talked to her about this and I hope it sinks in before it is too late.
   I have made the decision to write in this blog more about my life so that the girls in the future will have an idea where I am coming from and why I do things and if this is boring to others sorry.