Monday, August 31, 2020

It's just before school starts, but no one is going

1st day of College 2019

 It's going to seem weird. From the time the girls first came into our lives school has always been where they would go this time of year. There was a time before the girls where this time of year saw the start of school routes when I worked for Consolidated and Marcus Dairy, but it has never been like this year, really has anything? School has dominated this time of year for just about ever, but now again like when it was just Teri and I we are looking at the start of school as a distant thing and with COVID, it is a blessing we don't have to deal with it. Neither of the girls are done with school, at least I hope. Elena wants to investigate automotive repair at BOCES and Nasti will go back to RCC to finish up her degree in I don't know what. Yes that is a very common degree given at RCC. I got one myself.

Now onto something more interesting, their love life. Don't worry I'm not perving on them. I just look, ask a few questions and draw my on observations. It's what parents do. Elena is still not dating Matt. They go out together, spend a lot of time together, but she says they are not dating. That's fine. I asked Teri if birth control had been talked about with her (she stopped taking it a few years ago) and I was assured that it had been dealt with. As a father that is as close as I can come to helping or talking about sex with my youngest. Ever time the topic comes up and I am there she heads for the door. So I have learned to not go there with her. 

Somewhere near the first day of school 2010
Somewhere near the first day of school 2010 

Nastia on the other hand tells me things that I have been told she should not be telling me. There is a comfort there between the both of us that I hope she feels she can tell me anything and I have also answered any question she has asked, even some that maybe I shouldn't have. It has lead to me knowing thing about her life that I feel are important and so we talk. She is hanging around with Keishon, the actor. He goes to Albany, where David goes and he is leaving soon to go back to school She is trying to spend as much time as possible with him until he goes. I asked her the other day is she having sex with him, she said no. Teri meet him and he has nail polish on, so last night I asked Nastia if he is gay. She didn't give a straight answer, but said if he say a good looking guy.....

The other night Nastia calls up and asks if a friend who's name I can't remember can stay over. Teri and I really didn't want to. Nastia says she can't go home because of some religious reason, so she has no place to go. When we say no again she asks if she can sleep over at her friend's CJ's house. She is given permission. She comes home, packs a bag and goes. The next morning she come in and it turns out that she and three other girls (the boys really went home?) rented two motel rooms at the Stony Point Motor Lodge. When she confessed this I expect Teri to blow up. I was angry she lied about where she slept. Teri wonders why I sometime have trouble believing the girls. Teri didn't make a big deal of it. She was just unhappy she slept in what she considered a fleabag motel. I didn't like that she lied, but it was done and over with so I left it. It's funny what sets one of us off and not the other. And yes I did take my ques from Teri about the girls sometimes. 
