Friday, July 8, 2011

Waiting for the summer

    At the end of our last chapter, we left Nastia hanging from the cliff while Elena was facing down Dr. Death in an effort to get the medicine to cure an out break of excess flatulence.
   I wrote that line on May 30th 2011 and Iv'e laughed so long at how funny it is that it is now July 8th 2011.
 The girls have finished school for the year and are in camp somewhere deep in the heart of Elmwood park. So if anyone one would like to go and pick them up one day all you have to say is "I'm Aunt or Uncle So" and so and they are yours for the taking. Just remember finders keepers.
  Memorial day I suffered a severe case of C.R.S. (for all of you uninformed that's Can't remember sh*t) yea no little kid will figure that one out. Well we had a barbecue, one of those last minute things that Muller's are famous for at my mothers house. Cory and Ryan were not there and we didn't play wiffle ball for the first time in years. I'm not saying there is a connection, because Billy and Dennis weren't there either.
  Time flew very fast and it was suddenly it was the end of the school year and Nastia was graduating elementary school. It seems like it was only a few years ago that I dropped this non-English speaking little girl off with her sister and hoped they would survive until the end of the day.
   July 4th we barbecued in the backyard and walked down to the new park at the lake to get a close up look at the fireworks.Come to think of it, it was the twenty-sixth or seventh the week before and we spent the afternoon at the fire department's carnival. The girls went on several rides and met some friends and walked off without telling anyone and got yelled at so everyone had fun.
   Now it's just camp, dinner, fall asleep at the table or in front of the tv, get up go to bed and wake up and do it all again. Should anyone be allowed to have this much fun and not be arrested?!
  There will be more soon, again I'm laughing at  how funny that opening line is....