Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Elena's Vacation and throwing bombs

Elena went on vacation with her boyfriend and his mother this past weekend, setting off several bombs in the process. She asked to go with them well in advance. Like I do, I only half listened because it was in the future. When the future arrived and it was anounced that Elena was sleeping over her boyfriend's house so they could leave early there was a little ruckus from me. It was explained to me why this was happening. When Nastia hears about this she gets it into her head that she is going to sleep over her boyfirend's parent's house. I am a very liberal and permissive parent, but her sleeping over there just because she wants to sat very wrong with me. I heard her and Teri talking in the living room, I was in the kitchen. She comes walking into the
kitchen and anounces that she is going to sleep over Brandon's house (Brandon's Parent's house) tomorrow and the next night. At this point if you've been following our adventure you know I have said some very harsh things about Brandon and his not coming over the house and become comfortable. So it was real easy to
just say, "No" to Nastia. I think I might have said it several times. I might have even gone into some detail why she could not do it. For the record my number one objection is you don't sleep over your boyfriend's or even girlfriend's PARENT'S house just because you want to. Even if the parents are okay with it. If it was his place and he invited her over, it's different. I'd still not want her to go, but I'd allow it. Hell, she is taking him to Bear Mountain for four days and they are staying in a cabin there.(Yeah, I have no idea what someone does for four days in September at Bear Mountain) And number two he has not made the effort to get to know us. After the fight was over Nastia goes upstairs. Teri and I talk about it all. I don't remeber what was said, but no one was happy. That weekend Brandon comes over to go swimming. Elena sleeps over her boyfriend's house and they don't get that real early start. Saturday at 1:11 Elena anounces she has arrived at the location. I'm not really sure where she went,(Richfield Springs, NY, just north of Cooperstown)
I'll have to ask again. From the pictures it looks like a nice place. They slept in a house with open fields behind it. She took a picture of her and Matt. It reminded me of the painting 'American Gothic'. So I edited the picture a little and sent her the picture oh her and Matt, then the American Gothic picture with the caption all someone needs is a pitch fork. She didn't find it as funny as I did.
We don't hear from her on Sunday, but on Monday she sends about eight, ten pictures of a dairy farm she visited. She sends pictures of cows and of some puppies. For someone who doesn't really like dogs she is snuggling one of them pretty tight. I am surprised that evening when she is home before I get out of work. She doesn't go into too much detail about her time up there, but she is clear she had fun. She did skeet shooting and visited an Amish farm. On Sunday Brandon comes over to swim. During the arguement with Nastia I went upstairs and I don't remember what
was said, but I took her phone from her to get her to come back down stairs. She was talking to Brandon and I didn't know. (Sometimes I really hate technology) I didn't know what he heard so I was on my best behavior while he was there. They go out to swim. I go out there and conduct light conversation with him. I ask questions, I make pleasant observations and I even suggest he throw my daughter in the pool. I was the perfect host. I even did a George Costanza (Seinfeld TV show reference) and left to give them some time alone and for him to feel relaxed. I know he isn't yet. For years I've learned to watch body laungage and Brandon's laugh seemed a little forced and he laughed a little too often. So I left them alone. They swam, Teri and I went out. I hope to see him here more often. I know one time over here is not going to make him comfortable around me, but I'll work with him on it. And just for future reference Nastia, I will never approve of you sleeping over Brandon's parent's house. His own place is another story. I won't like it, but I won't stop it. /