Thursday, June 11, 2020

COVID-19 update 6/11/2020

It's June 11, 202 it looks like Texas has opened up too early and too quickly. All that Texas talk about the cure being worse then the sickness might be put to the test. All those sick people who follow Trump and believe all his bullshit are going to see it hit the fan I fear. I really don't like Cuomo, but he has been the rock that the federal government, the president should have been, but wasn't.
New York deaths are way down and different parts of the state are entering stage one or two, with the following stage set for two weeks down the road. This is all going on while the orange racoon is inspecting the bunker at the White House and tweeting how awful Twitter is. So detached, so unfit to be president. He's only president because a bigger thief ran against him. yes, I am drinking on an empty stomach.
Time to get off the soap box. I love that expression, soap box.
Soapboxes were literally used for political rallies in order to raise the speaker above the crowd - he stood on one. If the speaker went on too long for the assembled people, there would come shouts of 'get off your soapbox'! The expression was soon used to try to get anyone to shut up.
This COVID-19 crap has gone on so long that I would have to look up when I started blogging about it. It just doesn't seem like it will ever end and if it does, what will be left. There will be the rich and the poor. Oh and the fortunate ones like Teri and I who happen to have retirement accounts in place. I pity our kids and their future. I keep telling Nastia one day she might tell her grandkids that she was able to pick blueberries from a blueberry patch her father had at the house. Her grandkids asking what are blueberries and her kids vaguely remembering them after global warming caused a parasite that killed them all. Yeah, I'm hitting all the high points tonight. Beer and melancholy will do that.
It is the busy season for Teri at her job, so she is working most of the time twelve hour days. I'm just happy and I hope she is too that during the COVID-19 we all still have our jobs. She works twelve hours a day until Labor day. Occasionally she goes into work. This week she is training or helping out her temporary summer help at the office.
 I am working from ten in the morning until six-thirty at night. and even though I want to work until I'm seventy, I don't think I'll make it. Teri wants to retire in about a year or so, as soon as possible. 
         Now the girls. Elena is working five, sometimes six days a week noon to eight. She is a cheap replacement for an official full timer. At least I hope so I  thought that a grocery store job would at least let you live comfortably, What Elena is bring home is great for an almost twenty year old, not someone who is making a career there. She still hopes to go to auto mechanic school at BOCES this fall COVID-19 willing. She talked about wanting to get an Apartment and what would it take. Teri was encouraged that at least she was talking about it,even if she couldn't afford it right now. Elena kept saying when she gets a good job.
Now Nastia. She didn't prosper doing college at home. She hated it so much that she wanted to quit college. She is looking at different occupations that will require less education. Only time will tell.
Compared to everyone else we are doing fine. I am able to save money for the new siding and roof on the house, when other people are waiting in line for food handouts at Westchester feeds across from my job. I hope things get better or at least no worse.
