Friday, August 26, 2022

Seaside whenever you stroll along with me...*

*As I'm sure you all know that is a line from a Queen song, sung by Freddie Mercury And yes we went to the beach yesterday. It was a fabulous time. There is something called Muller time, I've talked about it before. Once back when Nastia was dating David, he talked about black time. When he went into detail, what I heard was him talking about Muller time. I didn't patent it, so he was free to repackage it and rename it. I'm sure he didn't patent it, so I'm sure you can rename it, call it what you want and be late, fashionablely late to any party or gathering and have a reason no one can dispute.
Which brings me to yesterday and the shore. Sallyann said she'd be at our house at seven. She calls and calls are not optional and they do tend to lend a bit of class to Muller time as I still call it. She said she would be late about an hour, Precisely at eight (It's what makes Muller time so classy, when you show up whan you say you will, the second time. We finish loading up the car. We are taking one car and seven people. The girls in the way back, Nancy, Sallyanne and Katie in the middle seat and Teri driving, me I'm ballast and first alternate to drive, but Teri doesn't share. The reason she drives is it is easier tobe with her when she is in control of the vehicle.
Traffic is heavy most of the way. We slow to almost a stop a little north of Newark, but surprizingly zip through the Oranges. Teri and I debated about where the Oranges start. I always thought it was after Newark. She thought it was just before Newark.After twenty-seven years, I didn't argue.
We park close to the beach. We took one car because gas is expensive. I was amazed at where we could stuff things in Teri's Toyota Highlander. With the third seat up there can't be more then twelve inches of floor space to store things. I put all the chairs and umbrellas there. I had the cooler next to me in the front. Between everyone in the back two seats there was something between each.I was amazed at everything we took out of the car.
It was almost eleven when we got to the beach. We parked ourselves on the beach in front of some people. One guy off to the left didn't appericate it, but he never moved. I set myself on the right of Elena's tent. Teri, Nancy, Sallyanna and the girls all went on the opposite side. I did try to move later, but the guy was still there and there was no space. So I was alone on the left, off on my own. The weather was very nice, lots of sun and it was warm. Aftersitting in my chair for a while, Nastia comes out of the water and reminds me I promised to go into the water. I can't remember the last time I went swimming when I was at the beach. I've never went during the time I've know Teri. Before that, the last time I was at the beachwas the early 80's and I was dating a girl who preferred to tan instead of go swimming. So I guess the last time I went swimming I was less then eighteen? maybe less then fifteen? Anyway, it was a long time ago. I walk with Nastia towards the water, she's giving me a pep talk telling me it's not really cold after you get in. I'm thinking death really doesn't hurt after your dead too. My feet touch the water, it's not to bad, calfs, still ok. A wave hits me mid-thigh, still not to bad.
I view God not as this stern no nonsense person, but as a pratical joker. Why else did he give us Trump. God reminds me of my dad.My dad was someone who could pull your leg and never let on he was messing with you. God, like my dad loves to play trick, at least on me. I'm standing in the surf about knee deep when this large wave comes out of know where and douses me. I don't remeber if it knocked me over, I did spend so much tsime trying to stand back up when I got pushed into the surf after venturing in to close to the shore.
I'm wet, so I venture further into the water. Of course Elena see me and knock me over or splashes me. All I remember is my head was still dry, but after her it wasn't. I rough house with her for a while. I go over and spend some time with Nastia. At other time I try to make it seem lik I'm not trying to stand back up when the ocean has pushed me onto the beach and the surf is keeping me there.I spend a while have one of the best times with the girls. As with all thing, I decide to end my swim and go sit down. I can't believe how tired I am. Later we go to eat at The Beachcomer, I have french fries and a large soda, $8.00. In then year 2100 dollars that's like $500.00, so yes it is a lot to spend on french fries and a soda. Fries were good though, I asked for them to be cooked well done. Elena and Nastia do a little play fighting, I take a video of it. Elena tries to do a sweep of Nastia's feet and misses. After lunch, we all just hung out on the beach for a while. Nastia asks if I would go hunting for shells with her. Teri and Nancy join us and we find quit a few shells. On one of Nastia's sea shell hunts she gets blind sided by a wave and rolls next to Teri and I.
Around four or five, as Bruce Springsteen would say in one of his songs, "we closed our eyes and said good Gypse Angel Row...felt so right (I don't remember the song it came from, but they went to Greasy Lake on the dark side of Rt 88...I looked it up Spirit in the night) So as we are hum spirit in the night we went to th eBoardwalk, got an ice cream at Kohr's and repacked the car and were home by 7:30. A fun time was hadby all. *****SPIRIT IN THE NIGHT Crazy Janey and her mission man Were back in the alley tradin' hands 'Long came Wild Billy with his friend G-Man All duded up for Saturday night Well, Billy slammed on his coaster brakes And said, "Anybody want to go on up to Greasy Lake? It's about a mile down on the dark side of Route 88 I got a bottle of rose so let's try it We'll pick up Hazy Davy and Killer Joe And I'll take you all out to where the gypsy angels go They're built like light Ooh, and they dance like spirits in the night (all night) In the night (all night) Oh, you don't know what they can do to you Spirits in the night (all night) Oh, in the night (all night) Stand right up now and let it shoot through you Well now, Wild Billy was a crazy cat And he shook some dust out of his coonskin cap He said, "Trust some of this, it'll show you where you're at Or at least it'll help you really feel it" By the time we made it up to Greasy Lake I had my head out the window and Janey's fingers were in the cake I think I really dug her 'cause I was too loose to fake I said, I'm hurt, she said, honey, let me heal it And we danced all night to a soul fairy band And she kissed me just right, like only a lonely angel can She felt so nice Just as soft as a spirit in the night (all night) In the night (all night) Oh, Janey don't know what she do to you Like a spirit in the night (all night) All night (all night) I stand right up and I let her shoot through me (Ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh) (Ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh) (Ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh) (Ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh) Now, the night was bright and the stars threw light On Billy and Davy dancin' in the moonlight They were down near the water in a stone mud fight Killer Joe gone passed out on the lawn Well now, Hazy Davy got really hurt He ran into the lake in just his socks and his shirt Me and Crazy Janey was makin' love in the dirt Singin' our birthday songs Janey said it was time to go So we closed our eyes and said goodbye to Gypsy Angel Row Felt so right Together we moved like spirits in the night (all night) In the night (all night) Oh, you don't know what they can do to you Them spirits in the night (all night) All night (all night) Oh, stand right up and let her shoot through you Like a spirit in the night (all night) All night (all night) All night (all night) All night (all night) All night (all night) All night (all night) All night Be-da-ba the night All night In the night In the night / /