Saturday, June 26, 2021

Tattoos and 'f' yous

Last Friday, I think it was. I blogged about it so I guess I could just look it up, but I won't. I wrote about going to The Taco Factory and how I took Teri's advise aboout telling Elena how I don't like Tatoos. I did it at the wrong time and I did it with the wrong tone of voice and I used the wrong words. My speech about how women with lots of tatoos look dirty even if they are showering three times a day fell on deaf ears. Or maybe I just inspired her to go out and get it. Either way she went out a couple of days ago and got a tatoo of a cat on her neck. It is one of those done deals and it is her body, I'm sorry my loving daughter, I still don't like tatoos.I will always love you though. I left work early the day after Elena got her tatoos. The two are not related. I neede to go to the dentist, I'd broken a tooth and needed it fixed. I get to the dentist on Crossfield, he does some work on my tooth, he takes some x-rays and tells me the tooth he fixed needs a crown, I figured that. Then he tells me I have stress fractures in two more and will need crowns on them. He charges my insurance $500.00 then me $400.00. I leave his office a in shock a little. I'm imagining what the total bill could look like. I then remember Nastia had called earlier in the day and she had locked her keys in her car. I think to myself, Hey, this is something I can do to make me feel happier. So I drive over to Stop and Shop and go into see Nastia. SHe says she was going through her backpack on the rear seat and must have left them under the backpack when she locked and shut the door. I go out and check all of her doors, they are locked. On advise from one of Nastia's friends I call the police. The office who answers says the town won't allow them to open people's door anymore. I guess people sued over some precieved damage to their precious car 'f'ing the rest of us in the process. Nastia said to try AAA. I think her friend might have said it. I call AAA. The very pleasant girl on the other end of the line says we have to be members andif we became members their would be an immediate action fee or something like that of $75.00. I say thanks, but no. She does give me two phone numkbers of garages taht could help. I call Ben's and they say it's $125.00 plus tax and it will be 45 minutes until they can get there. I say, OK. I'm out of options short of breaking a window. I wait for Ben's. About twenty minutes later A tow truck pulls up and out pops two guys. The driver takes a bag with a small hand bulb pump attached to it. like a blood pressure test pump. He sticks the bag between the door and the jam. inflates it. It makes enough of a space to slide an elongated metal hook into the car and he pops the lock. It takes all of two minutes. It takes longer to pay then to do the job. I grab the keys from the back seat as the alarm on the car goes off. I stop the alarm and proudly go into Nastia to present her with her keys. Nastia is happy until I tell her how much it cost. She starts going on about the price, asking about the police and AAA. Then she says something that hurt. It is the second time she has done this. The first time I let it go. She says, "Maybe I should have called Branden's father." She has invoked his name like he is a god twice. THe first time when she paid for a donut tire for her car and she said,"Well, Branden;s father said it shouldn't have been that much." She takes her car to his family to have the brakes fixed. No one tells her what to buy. I kept telling her I'd go with her, but she needs to know what to buy. She goes with Branden and they buy two sets of brakes and four rotors. Later She'll return a set of brakes and three rotors. She is then told she needs a new axel. I blink and do a what the f... and I ask, are you sure? She buys it with Branden and the Uncle trys to put it in, but can't. She then takes it over to a Rt 303 garage to have it done. I'm thinking all this time....Well I won't say. I give Nastia her keys and leave. My feeling are hurt, but I try to forget it. I know it wasn't malicious or evil on her part. It is her just speaking what came into her mind without filtering it. I yell at Nastia somewhere later about it. I think it is at home. I do sometimes have a filter and it kicked in. I remember telling Nastia that after all my efforts she invokes Branden's father's name like he is a cure all is a massive fuck you to me, especially after all the effort I put into it. Later I do apologize to her and we talk and she points out that she did call me and not Branden's father. I know why I got angry.....I always want to be the hero in her and Elena's eyes, not some guy whose spawn she happens to be dating. I know it's a bit harsh and I need to be a bigger man, but I'm still human. And well you know...... /