Thursday, August 27, 2009

It has begun 08-27-09

We got our court date yesterday. It was a very busy day at work for the both of us, in addation to doing little tasks that we felt we still had time to do before we left now everything is in a rush.
We are booking our flights to Moscow and it looks like we will leave about 8:30 at night on sunday September 6th and land somewhere in Russia, Kharobosk I think it is on the 8th. I don't know if it is our time or their time. It's just going to be a long flight. We will spend a night in Moscow so maybe we'll being in Moscow on the 8th. I'll figure it out later.
Our court date is for the 10th so I know we will be in Birobidzhan on that day.
I just looked up the weather in Birobidzhan and it is 52 and raining. Here it's in the 70's and sunny. Should I bring my winter coat? We are going to be there the whole month.