Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Mommy, I don't feel good. and a little of 'what's happenin' (no not that TV show)

I've got a cold. I'm hacking and coughing like there's no tomorrow. It got me to thinking about when the girls were younger and first got sick. I might have already blogged about this so I'll try to stick to the facts and make nothing up. And if I do you won't know.
     It was maybe year one or maybe year two a heavy cough was coming from the girls bedroom. It was night, the girls had been in bed for a while, no one had said they felt bad or looked sick. The Coughing kept on for a while until Teri decides to go in. I think cough medicine and cold medicine follow.
       What they had was something that got into the lungs and every time they moved to another position, like from your right side to your back, sit up, whatever, the congestion needed time to move to that side, so you'd cough until it had moved. Like having a stuffy nose, the left nostril is open, you change sides and suddenly both are clogged, then after a while the other reopens.
      Nastia, I think spent a day or two home. She would just cough and cough. After about a week Nastia was better then Elena got it. After a week it seemed to be about gone with her, when suddenly it seemed to come back. Now this congestion is sneaky, if you are standing or at least up right all day long, then you might not cough at all. Lay down and suddenly your coughing your fool head off. Elena's cough went into a second week. Teri went to lay down with her a couple of times during the two weeks and sometime in the middle of the second week Teri and I began to wonder if Elena was coughing at night to get attention, something she might have not gotten in Russia. The thought, broke Teri's heart. By the end  of the second week it was over and life went back to normal, whatever that was at the time.
      Those early years were a magical time I enjoy looking back on. Life was so much different back then.
     Back from the past. This Week Nastia has off from school. David promised to come down from Albany to spend some time with her. So on Sunday, Nastia and I went to the Mall to buy some tickets for the movie, 'Captain Marvel' so her and David could see it on Monday night.
     On Monday, I'm up stairs and I don't remember what I said, it was something like have you talked to David, shouldn't the two of you be going out for dinner about now? Something I said got her on the phone to call him. The Conversation starts out quietly. A little into it Nastia starts to get a little loud. Saying something like, Your not here yet? A few curse words follow. It looks like David is going to stand up Nastia, so I call Teri asking her if she would like to go to the movies tonight because it looks like David is standing her up. Teri and I decide if she is stood up by David, she'll return the tickets and the three of us will do something special.  Nastia continues to talk and yell and curse a little at David. For some reason I'm not surprised or angry, I'm just a little sad about it. Nastia hangs up the phone and there is a knock on the door. David had played her. He was sitting outside when he made the call. Nastia yells up to me David is here. I come down after a few minutes, they are still talking about his joke and she is saying she hates when he plays jokes like this or something like that. I joke that I was talking to Teri to find out if she knew anybody who could make someone disappear. Everyone laughs. For Nastia, life is good, David is here and not calling from Albany. They leave for the movies. The House is quiet, Elena has texted she wants to spend some time with Jasmine after work tonight. It's just Teri and I for dinner. When She gets home we have dinner almost like we used to do before the girls came from Russia. In this Version we eat dinner watching the small TV in the kitchen, instead of watching the big TV in the living room. I sit at the table, Teri stands near the sink. It's fun for what reason I don't know, but I like doing it. We clean up and then end up in the living room. I stay there until both girls have gotten home. I wonder who taught me that. The Girls get home early, always before eleven, so I don't have to wait up too late, and I don't smoke so no cigar ash will fall from my cigar onto my sleeping chest. If You don't know I'm referencing my father. He would always be in his chair every night when we got home. Another thing I try to do for my girls is when they get home have some dinner ready for them like my mom used to do. So yes Mom and Dad occasionally I was paying attention.