Monday, May 1, 2017

Nastia's Junior Ball

The Junior Ball, a time for people, girls, may daughter to look forward to, to gat excited about dressing up and having some supervised adult fun. The beginnings of being an adult.
     Teri and Nastia went out sometime before the junior ball to pick out a dress, correction, the proper dress.
     Now Nastia has been bowling with me this year, starting sometime about the beginning of April she started asking me when bowling ended because she wanted to get her nails done for the Junior Ball. Every so often she would ask again. She probably only asked a few times, but to me it seemed every time I turned around she was asking. Bowling ended the end of April and thank god there was time to get her nails done.
     The day of the Junior Ball was a Friday. She had our permission to get out of school early. She never really asked, but Nastia and Teri were going to need the time. Teri was working for home. Nastia texts me soon after school starts that she needs a note to leave early. Silly Us should of thought about that one. I write up a note and bring it over.
     Nastia gets picked up around noon and Her and Teri go get her hair and nails done. Lat5er that day, sometime after three they both arrive home. Nastia has her hair braided. To me it looked poorly done, I told her it looked nice. Later after she gets dressed it did look nicer.
     About five, I guess Nastia starts to get ready. I'm hanging around in the kitchen drinking a beer figuring I'll be a spectator. Around six-thirty or so it starts. David is late. David is always late. David said something about someone being in the bathroom or something or other. I really wasn't listening. I didn't care. I had my beer, it was Friday and I was relaxing in the Kitchen. I think I even got out some Doritos. It's now 6:45 and I hear that they have to be there by seven-thirty or they will not be allowed in. I hear my wife mention my name. She's requesting I drive Nastia to the Junior ball and David to me her there, because there is not enough time. I agree and get my car keys. It is six-fifty now. I can see redness in Nastia's eyes. She is either upset or the cold she has been fighting is starting to win. At almost seven, I'm sitting in the car, David texts or calls Nastia that he is on the way and she says she will wait for him. I say nothing, I have said nothing through this whole incident. I will say nothing until She is on her way and I will only say it to Teri, until now. David always puts his family in front of Nastia. He is always canceling things with her because of his family. I guess it is expected, but when you have a girlfriend there are times like this one where you should be on time or early. there was no excuse for him being late on a night like this. Knowing Nastia it didn't effect her evening. She is the type of girl/women who can and does find the bright side of most any disaster or at the worst comes out smiling after it is all over. I hope life never robs her of that and I'm glad I haven't either.