Sunday, January 1, 2017

Christmas 2016 WOW, did that get here quick.

I started this the day after Christmas and only did the title. It just blew me away so much I had to stop until New Years eve.
      Christmas lately has not been as fun as it should be. I want to blame everyone for it happening, but it is all inside me to make it a fun stress free time. I started in that direction be getting a head start on shopping. I then let things grind to a halt and suddenly I haven't taken the girls shopping and I don't feel Iv'e gotten Teri enough stuff and everyone is spending too much money. Then suddenly I'm wishing the hollow days (yeah, I used that old spelling joke again.) we're over. At least I've condensed my distaste for the Hollow day ( can't resist using it again) down from Thanksgiving to my birthday to just Christmas.
     I enjoyed Christmas when the girls first got here and Teri and I could piss away money almost at will. She would say,"I want to use one of my pay checks on Christmas. It was OK, we were able to do it. Money would be tight, but only because we both were putting a good amount of money into our 401K's.
     Then things changed, I lost my job, Teri lost her's. She got another one, I got a part time and I stayed there.
     So, what happened on Christmas, well Teri and I got up around 7:30 and we're the first ones up. We sat around having something to eat.
     Some time around 11, the girls are gotten up. It's not like the videos I made when they first got here and they were up at 6am, like normal kids. I guess they are normal kids now too, just normal teenagers who want to sleep as late as they can.
     Well, the girls finally got up. Nancy slept over and Nick and Amanda came over around 11, we finally opened up gifts. there were alot of oh, wows and thank yous thrown about. The big gift for this Christmas were Apple watches for the girls. I find them redundant, but it's the cool thing to have this year.
     We had a roast for Christmas, everyone seems to be Turkey'd out these days. It
s funny, I only have Turkey once or twice a year or maybe when I want to get it out of the freezer because I can't stand the room it takes up and the stuffing is always great, but I really am tired of Turkey.
     Not so much of ham. The Turkey came out real good this year. The top didn't look cooked all the way, but the wing and the internal temperature said it was ready. Came out good, the stuffing as always was excellent. The only problem was there was too much topping on the sweet potatoes. The topping is not marshmallow, it is a combination of nuts and brown sugar and other items. The Sweet Potatoes are put in a shallow dish and the topping is ladled on a little too thick. I made mention of this and my loving wife said, in a sweet and loving and understanding way, "deal with it".  
     We ate a little late, three not two and when we finished up we relaxed until about six-thirty when we went to my brother Eric's house for desert.
     We played a game that is becoming very popular on college campuses call Werewolf. Each person gets a card and they and the narrator are the only ones who know who they are. You can be a villager or a werewolf. The Villagers try to kill the werewolves and the werewolves try to kill the villagers.
     At the start of the game, everyone puts there heads down and the narrator says all the werewolves wake up, who do you want to kill, they pick out a person. Then they put their heads down and the narrator calls for one of the villages, who has a special power to do something. It's a lot of fun the game. At the end, last person standing is the winner.
     We played it twice and went home. Fun night.