Thursday, October 26, 2017

Donating Blood

I have donated blood since just after I turned eighteen. That doesn't mean I donated every chance I could. There were years were I didn't donate. I was asked when I  first donated why I was, because it was unusual for someone so young to do it.My reply was it just seemed right.
     All these years later, I got the idea that my daughters should donate blood. I talked with Nastia about it and she wasn't too keen about it because of the needles, plus she is less then 110 lbs, the minimum weight.
     To my surprise Elena was interested in giving blood. I found a blood drive this past September at the New City Library. Then something came up and I told Elena we would go another time. The next time was at St. Ann's School in Nyack in late September, on a Sunday. The three of us piled in to the car and went over to St Ann's. There were no signs a blood drive was happening. Driving away I saw signs for a blood drive at the Nyack Library. This time it was just Elena and I, Nastia decided to stay home. We went over, it was raining and we ran into the building, found were the blood drive was being held and went in. We registered and as I sat down I noticed there were no computers to register and no machine to give platelets.
     When We were called, I handed them my New York Blood drive card. They handed it back to me saying they were Red Cross and could take our blood, but couldn't give us credit for it. I felt bad later, but I told Elena that we were going. I wanted her to get credit for donating blood and if she racked up enough points she could get something off the web site. It was important. I wanted her to have credit for the blood donation. I wanted her to get a prize, some thing more then just the thought that she is helping someone with her blood. Something to encourage her to donate again.
     That was a month ago and at the end of last week Elena texted me a picture of a blood drive from 8 am to 2 pm, that was happening at North and she said she wanted to do it. I told her I would go and do it with her.
     On the Morning of the donation, I was tired and didn't think I wanted to do it. Teri and I talked about it and she reminded me it was Elena's first donation and I should be there. I agreed it was important and I drove Nastia over to the school and went in to find the donation location. I arrived at the front security desk and ask the security guard if the donation was open to the general public as well as the students. He didn't know, but after asking a few people, it was clear no one knew and everyone guessed it was open to the public. I walked down to the wrestling gym where Nastia and Elena both took wrestling oh those many years ago and the people who ran the blood drive were just finishing setting up. I stood out in the hallway with Nastia, Elena and their friend Jessica. Nastia hung around for a while trying to donate and I think she felt a little left out and she doesn't like that. I was the second person taken to donate and Elena, who had a 8 am appointment was probably the eighth. My Donation went quick. I have poor veins, so I have gotten used to the stick and search. I get stuck about where a vein has been found and they move the needle around until they hit the vein. Then it drains like a dam over flow and I'm out rather quickly. Elena sat down in the donation area after I was finished donating and was eating cookies and drinking warm apple juice.

It took a few minutes for the tech to get to her, there was a good crowd. The Tech was friendly and talked to her as he prepped her and when he stuck the needle in her arm she watch. She grimmest while he stuck her.
     Before He got to her I went over to talk to her and ask her if she wanted me to stay. When She replied no and I stayed, She then surprised me and said Why did you bother asking me, if it was a redundant question. (redundant-needing no answer) I was very surprised and pleased she was using one of my favorite words. I told her I was very impressed with the word. I left the area, because one of the techs had said I wasn't allowed there during donations. I told him I just wanted to check on my daughter, it was her first time and he left me alone.
     Elena came through it with flying colors. She didn't chicken out, faint or get sick. I texted her mother who said she was very proud of her daughter.