Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Go South to go home

Our last day in Myrtle Beach was a bright sun shining day like all the others. Our Plane took off a little after noon and we were doing a quick one hour stop over in Atlanta before We headed home, real easy.
     It didn't happen that way. Just before takeoff Teri says our connecting flight has been delayed. Now it would be over an hour We'd wait. Upon landing We find out the wait would be three hours. We were supposed to take off from Atlanta about three and land at LaGuardia around six. Now We wouldn't be taking off until after six.
    We spent the time in Atlanta's huge airport sitting at our gate mostly. The subway ride from one Terminal took up all of five minutes and the only highlight was Elena saying she didn't want to hang on. I wish I could report it resulted in a specular spill when the train started quickly or stopped quickly, but alas it was not to be. There was no lesson to be learned there.
     The only other excitement was a howling young child. The child, I think a girl was well over tired and started throwing a temper tantrum. She yelled about as loud as she could. Her poor tired parents let it go on hoping if ignored she'd stop, she didn't. Finally the exasperated Father puts her in the stroller, a little too hard. Hoping it didn't progress I turned to Teri and say I'm glad we never had them that young, I wouldn't of been able to handle it. The bawling continued.
     I tell Teri I'm going for a walk to find something to eat. I head down the long corridors in Atlanta's Airport, the sound of the wailing Baby starts to recede. The further and faster I go the more her cries become an echo and the a memory of an echo. I stop in front of a food place that has soup/ I imagine I can still her the howling of that child. I think it is just my imagination. The sound gets to the point that I'm sure I hear the child, what a pair of lungs that child must have. I'm sure I'm imagining the cries are getting louder. Then off in the distance I see a stroller and the wailing child. Their heading in this direction. It's like looking at a car crash, I just can't turn away. About twenty feet from me the childs mother leans down and ina praticed church growl tells the child to stop. The voricity of her voice stops the childs cring, done,game over. She should run for president.
     I get an expensive Mac and cheese meal and a Broccoli and Cheddar soup from the store. It was almost worth the price. The Mac and cheese has bacon and a few other items in it that I enjoy. Teri didn't say muchabout her soup.
     Our Plane boards about 6pm and wetake off soon afterwards. The Air towards New Yorkis bumpy and everytime the pilot changes altitude abd you think he's got it the plane starts to bounce again. It is a short trip to LaGuardia  and we land. As We taxi the Pilot tells us there are fifty planes backed up at the gates, but ours is open and We should be able to diembare soon. Other gates have a wait time of over an hour. An hour later We get to our gate and get off the flight.
     It is about a ten hour drive to South Carolina. It took us about the same amount of time to fly. Modern Technology sucks when it don't work.