Sunday, July 15, 2012

Bridge of Hope 2012 and the Empire State Building

Bridge of Hope party 
   The weather forecast called for rain and possible thunder storms with heavy down pours. One hundred and seventy nine people were expected and don't you know it was the usual bright sun shiny high 90's day it always is. It seems that after everyone of these parties I complain of getting sun burn on my head even though I wore my hat all day long.
   The party was it's usual, like the weather, really great. Plenty of food and lots of people who remember me and I have trouble remembering them. You think a salesman would do better.
   The girls got in the pool and pretty much never got out. Nastia hung and I really mean hung on all the really good looking guys. I'm going to have to talk to her about that. Might become a real problem real soon. A...a was in the other end of the pool with a younger friend and Leo..d, well he was hanging out with the older kids doing back flips into the water and he got some girls phone numbers and or face book address. Amanda sets him up with a facebook address and it is too late to tell her no so I tell her no for any of the girls, for now.
   The party ran on well past the four PM end. Patrice,Teri and I with Liz all sat down to rehash the Leo..d saga. He was told even if he makes a decision after he goes back the door is not closed. Where the money will be I don't know. We were going to reside the house, fixed the stairs going upstairs and fix the fireplace when all this happened.
The Empire State Building
   We went to a tourist trap today and I hope to never go back. It sucked close to five hundred dollars out of our back account today. I know I didn't have to go up to the one-hundred and second floor for an additional seventeen dollars, but I thought in for a penny in for a pound. I'm not coming back so lets do it all. We stopped in at a Wendy's next to the Empire State building to get drinks. Outside the Empire State building there were these guys trying to sell tickets to help advoid the long lines to get to the one hundred and eighth floor for forty-five dollars. I was going to say let's do it wheen Teri said No. It was a good thing. There was no line and it was an addational sixteen dollars on top of the twenty-five to get to the top . We purchased souvineers for Leonid and Anya. He got a small watch and something else. She got a replica of the building and something else. We had to steer them away from Hoodies for $45.00. We still spent over $100.00 on gift for them to bring most likely to the Orphanage director. Not a bad thing. We left and went to find some place to eat and ended up at Bon Ton Korean chicken across the street. It was good.
   Leo..d was not part of the group and didn't want me to take his picture any more I tried to explain I had to, but gave up and snuck pictures.when he wasn't looking. My wife added to the tension by giving up and saying if he wants to come he can I give up. We gave him power he should of never had and I thought she was right If he didn't want to be adopted he should of never written the letter, he did write it, but now it seems he doesn't mean it. Does he understand the dog and pony show this has become? (boy I'm pulling the cliche's out of thin air tonight) We have pulled out all stops and bent or broken lots of our own rules to make it happen for him and his sister. His sister has gotten lost in the shuffle with everything going on with him. She could be the next Elena.
   Then he'll help with the groceries or give you the face, the one that looks like the little boy he is and you think that maybe you can give it another chance even though you are well past the safety range in everything,your time, your patients, your bank account, everything, but you are willing to maybe try again, and again maybe.