Friday, August 24, 2018

Elena passed her driving test this morning!!

Well the title says it all. This morning at 9:22 our eighteen year old daughter Elena Kozlova Muller passed her driving test. It was never in doubt. OK, well, We were a little concerned about how she would react to the pressure of having to do something that was important to her and she did good.
     There were times I felt more nervous about what was happening then she did. Then I'd look close at her and then I could see she was nervous.
     Teri got her up at 7:33 to make sure We would be on time. Nastia by coincidence had an appointment in New City at the same time. Teri is working again so We asked Eric and Lynn for a rider for Nastia they were to pick her up at 9 AM for her 9:30 appointment. Elena and I left at 8:15 for our drive up to Route 210, to a point just pass Central Ave. a location I found a little strange. How would you find it and know that you found it. I drove, remembering an old wives tale that if the student drove to the test they would be failed.
     I went up 9 W made a left onto Rt 202, then I made a right onto what would change to Central Avenue once we got into Stony Point. I was nervous I'd not find this location, just past Central Ave so I left alot of time. About 8:30 or so I turn left onto Route 210 and start to look for ... what, I really didn't know. Then on the opposite side of the road a few cars are pulled off to the side of the road. I'm thinking it's either an accident or its this magical place 'just pass Central Ave,' I asked Elena what she thought and decided to turn around in the former location of Deli Central. As I turned around I was glad to see the owners who had tossed out Deli Central to open their own Deli back up had failed and a new place was there.
     As We pull up behind the others cars I read a small green sign that say this is where driving tests start. We get out of the car as a car two places in front of us pulls away.We sit on the guard rail,walk around talk a little waiting for Elena's turn, The Guy in front of us gets in his car and does a huge circle on Route 210 putting him and his daughter behind us. As He is getting out he says she forgot some papers and we can go first.
     The car that disappeared when we got there comes back behind us and parks. A Women gets out and asks Elena for her paperwork. She takes it and tells Elena to get in the car. After a few moments my car pulls gently away. It goes down to the light to make a right and sits there until the light changes green. I start to be a little concerned. Is she being too conservative? I wait, I read stuff from my phone and I wait. After an eternity of ten minutes or so the car pulls out from the road the previous car did and starts to head toward us. A large distance from me the car signals and begins to pull off the road. I walk up to the car and ask the instructor if she passed and she answers yes. Nice job Young Lady.
     This Afternoon as soon as I got home Elena wanted to go driving. I called Allstate learned that the driving test that cost $540.00 did not give them a discount. I got her signed up and off she went. She drove down South Harrison and up South Conger.
     I started this when Nastia said she need her schedule and Elena offered to drive her there (What a good sister)  They are back in one piece and thank god for that.
     Now for the next forty years of worrying.