Saturday, July 23, 2022

Friday, and still nothing is going on, or is it again, nothing is going on.*

* I think it would be again because something happened between last week and now and I wrote about. It's Friday, I'm trying to be good on my diet, you know the one I've been on for ten years and gained twenty pounds on, but hey that's Covid weight! That was when calories didn't count because there was nothing else to do, and I'm not yet drinking beer. My former boss at The Crystal Spoon went out of his way back in May of this year to buy me beer for the company BBQ. I've was very touched by that and forever I will feel guilty that I felt I had to leave that job at the end of the May. Elena comes home every night except Tuesdays and Sundays, her days off covered in grease from head to foot. She is the hero of some of the women at my new job for doing what she loves (hopefully) even though it's considered a man's job. She is so covered in grease and sweat, it reminds me of the old days when I'd work on my TR-6. I miss those days. She is just friends with Matt these days.I made a joke while coloring the girls hair. You can tell what kind of relationship her and Matt are having by the hicky count. For the last several weeks (five or more, I guess) they've been just friends. He did go to the beach with her recently. You remember when the beach was hilly. She is planning a day at the beach with Jessica (her's and Nastia's friend as opposed to Jessie or JJ who is Nastia's best friend and Elena's acquaintance) and Nastia for this Sunday. Elena is a competent, if agressive driver. Nastia is a slow, mostly if inexperenced driver. Nastia rather let someone else drive then her to drive. I'm hoping Teri will want to go to the beach, invite Nancy and the six of us head to the beach Sunday. It's going to be roasting, in the 90's and Teri is afraid it'll be too hot. I can understand. Kevin doesn't come around much lately. It maybe a time out or worse. Nastia has been warned by Teri and I about how she is around guys. Last Sunday, after swimming she removed her bathing suit while under a towel in front of Kevin and Dylan. I saw her squeezing out her suit and called her to come here. I again tried to tell her what she'd just done. She said, "No one saw anything, I was covered by the towel." My reply, "It is still sexual to them. Here you are getting naked under that towel right in front of them." or words to that effect. I don't know if she understood or even listened. She did call in Jessie (her best friend Jessie) to change out of their suits (at least in Jessie's case anyway) Nastia doesn't understand the effect she has on guys sometimes. She doesn't understand how she is leading them on when she thinks she isn't. It's just the way guys are. I know all the guys are agreeing with me while the women are giving that 'I'm so confused look' and they're thinking I'll just stick with my frind in the top drawer. While everyone was at work she and Jessie and her son swam. It's Saturday morning and I invited Nastia to come home and go swimming. She said Vinnie will come and later Jessie and her son will join them. I was going to clean the pool, but I have to bring Athena to teh vet shortly. /