Sunday, August 11, 2013

Elenapalozza 2013 or how to get two home runs at miniture golf.

Elena's birthday was yesterday. She turned thirteen, though she has been acting like a teenager for months now. Originally Teri was to work and so we scheduled everything around it. Then the person running the show changes everything and it was put off for at least a week.
   We put the Dinosaur park off until next week. We had planned to have Jessica, her friend for a sleep over, that was still on and Teri had a plan to go out to dinner where she wanted and to go to miniature golf. We started at the Monster Miniature golf in Nanuet. There were five of us, which seemed too many if you tried to keep it organized and keep score. At the half way point I gave up and only kept Teri and My score, letting the three girls go on ahead and do what they wanted to do. After a little while I quite doing Teri's score and just kept mine. Things moved along quickly and Elena came over to me twice to tell me she got a home run. I was laughing and didn't bother asking what she meant. Everyone seemed to have fun and it was over in less then an hour. Elena was complaining about not getting a chance to play the arcade games at Monster miniature golf,
Field Station Dinosaur a week later
   We went to Nanuet Restaurant for pizza and I got beer which made it like it was my birthday. We ordered three pizzas, because Nanuet Restaurant's pizzas are a little smaller then a regular large. We had a good time we stayed for about an hour and then someone said can we go for ice cream? It was left up to me and for some reason I said yes. We went over to King Kone in Pearl River. Nastia got a ton of napkins and some ice cream to go with that. She can be so messy sometimes. Elena got a cone and so did Jessica. We ate too much, had some fun I drank beer. Elena got presents and Elenapalozza ended with a sleepover and me feeling like I ate enough for two days.
  Day two of Elenapalozza was a more muted affair, with chocolate chip pancakes and sausages for breakfast and about two or so chips, dips and cake. It is six in the evening and the house is back to normal. Teri and I brace for another lousy week at work and the girls look forward to three weeks of boredom until school. Life is good.