Monday, April 12, 2021

It seem like I've done this before

Yesterday, Sunday I wanted to make something special to eat, instead I opened the freezer and found items that had been in there for almost a year. Some of the items, like the philo dough was from Mother's day about five years ago. I hate throwing things out, but Nastia's ice cream cake from December can't be good by now. Some freezer pops (frozen sugar water) were easy to throw out with a expiration day of 2017. The philo dough I was going to throw out (expiration day 2018) when I opened it up. It looked fine, so I decided to use it. I looked up what to make with philo dough and found a delicious recipe called chocolate raviolis. The dough had to defrost for twenty minutes, so I went off to do something else while it defrosted. Before I got any further I was reminded that we were going out for breakfast. Teri was moving slow so she said it was most likely going to be brunch. The reason for brunch was Elena had her first Sunday off in years. With Nastia at work the plan was to pick Nancy up and go to a new place called The Breakfast and Brger Club in Nyack. I know the place when I used to deliver to it when it was the Skylark Restaurant.It was run by a guy named Jimmy. He'd always say call me Jimmy the greek.He opened the restaurant in the 60's when it seemed Nyack had no future. He sold in the 2000's and the place became Johnny Cakes and didn't last too long. SO now th ebrand new Breakfast and Burger Club is open. Teri has wanted to try it for several weeks. Nanacy has been there several times and says it is really good. The three of us,Teri, Elena and myself get in Elena's car and go to Nyack. Elena experences what it is like driving with her mother when her mother is a passenger, it wasn't pretty. Elena drives too fast and uses her brakes too late and takes turns too quickly. That I already knew.Teri comments hit on all of those points as we drove to
get Nancy. Wepick up Nancy and go to the parking lot off South Franklin. Elena is making the turn onto South Franklin and Teri is saying why are you turning it's easier to turn at teh next corner. Elena turns at South Franklin, then turns on to the side street and into the parking lot. It is raining lightly as Elena picks out her perfect spot. It is away from other car in the far corner of the lot. I point out to Elena that if she wants to park further away from the restaurant there is one more row of empty parking spots. She gives me a light hearted smirk and turns off the car. No one brought more then a sweeter and the rain is cold. With our Covid masks on we arrive at the restaurant and are seated immediately. We are in a Covid safe booth in the corner, but several of the other tables seem less then Covid safe. I notice people in their twneties are at these tables. They are the quickest
raising group at this point in the pandamic for new cases. I order a waffle with bacon crisp. Elena orders pancakes and a strawberry milk shake. Teri and Nancy I don't remember. My waffle is great. The bacon is greasy and limp. It's awful. I should returned it, but I don't. Instead I wrap it in napkins to get rid of as much grease as possible and eat it. After brunch, I go back to my chocolate raviolis. At home a message from Nastia on the home phone tells us she has lost her phone at work. Teri and Nancy go to look for it. I go back to my chocolate raviolis. I'm short heavy cream, so off to the store. I think maybe I should go to Stop and Shop and help look for the phone, I don't. Teri and Nancy return from looking for Nastia's phone with no success. Teri tries to get onto Nastia's find my Iphone app. I'd tried earlier, but I didn't have her password. Teri works through the process of recovering the password for Nastia's account. When the account was first opened years ago Teri wrote down all the passwords, but someone has changed her password, swaring she didn't. Around four-thirty Teri locates the phone. It is infront of the store next to Stop and Shop. I drive over to Stop and Shop forgetting my jacket again. At Stop and Shop the rain is a little lighter then pouring. I get out of my car near where the signal is. Teri is on my phone guiding me as I squat down to look under cars. Rain spotting my glasses makes it next to impossible. I walk the grass islands hoping to see it stuck in a fern. I give up a few minutes before five when Nastia will get out. I'm cold and soaked so I grab my mask and head to Stop and Shop. I warm up and dry a little until Nastia is done when she joins me outside. It is raining still. I go through all the same spots I looked before. In front of the store next to Stop and Shop in disperation I tell Nastia to go into the store and ask if someone turned in a phone. I follow, I'm cold and soaked again. Inside the store Nastia asks the first person she sees and lo and behold they say, "why yes someone turned it in" Waves of relief wash over the both of us. While the manager goes to get teh phone Nastia makes the cynical comment that the person who found it most likely took her license and bank card. When the manager gives it to her everything is there. In the car I make her say out load that she is sorry for accusing the person who returned her phone for taking her
bank card and license. Back home, dinner interfers with the chocolate raviolis. It is after eight at night when the first batch goes into the oven. I forget to freeze the first batch so the chocolate filling leaks out. The oven is on too low of a temperature too. I fix both problems and the same happens to the second batch. At this point I really don't care. The second batch tastes better then the first. What a long day. /