Thursday, August 15, 2019

Elena's new bedroom part 2 of.....

Or look who's sleeping in your bed.

When Elena was given the back bedroom, Nastia asked for the big bed. When Elena and I started on the room the big bed was moved into Nastia's room and one bed in there was taken down. So this five foot now one hundred pound girls has this huge bed. 
 Nastia decided to sleep over Jessica's house last night. Elena was invited, but decided she rather stay home. Elena has never expressed an interest in the bed so to my surprise this morning I found her sleeping in Nastia's bed.
Kind of reminds me of Goldilocks and the three bears. Would Elena be baby bear and was the bed just right?

Progress has been made on Elena's room. I've taken down wall of plaster and lathe before, the dining room for example, but I just don't remember there being so much plaster, lathe and dust. Elena took down the walls, I spent an afternoon taking down the ceiling and with most of the lathe down we have these huge piles. Most of it is out front for junk day. About 2/3rds of the ceiling is still up in the room with a huge pile of lathe. I'm anxious to move on and these piles have to go before we can.