Friday, October 11, 2019

Elena's Room pt3

I bet you thought I had forgotten that I was going to add more about Elena's room, well I haven't. I work on it as much as I can. Getting home after 5:30 at night during the week does limit the amount of work I can do during the week. And on the weekends if we go out I can only work on the room for a few hours. With all that said here is where I've gotten to.
       In the last post about her bedroom I'd gotten the wall all down and most of the wiring done. I left the wire for the outlet on the wall of the closet hanging. I still had the wiring for the light and the heater to redo.
       Elena and I started to do the insulation on the eastern wall where the closet is to go. I felt I should do as much as possible in that area so I could build out the closet before I finished the rest of the
room, Don't ask me why, it just felt like that was the right thing to do, so I did it. The whole eastern wall is insulated, like I said and one Saturday morning I finish all the little odds and ends that are overlooked like areas around the window where the weights used to hang needed insulation. A wire for the outside lights that years ago I ran poorly was rerun. I moved a joist in the ceiling that was around the old chimney to against the eastern wall. I moved it three times because it was crooked or not level with something. Finally I just nailed it to the wall so it was level with the ceiling. It wasn't pretty, most likely not the way it is supposed to go, but when I do the floor above Elena's room with plywood, I'll make it better. Now for the sheetrock.
I put a two by four high up on the wall near the ceiling leaving enough space to slide a piece of sheet rock in, I then get my extension bar. The one I used to use on my truck to stop goods from sliding off the shelves and lastly I measure and cut the piece of sheet rock. I put my pole near me and lift the piece of sheet rock toward the ceiling. The sheetrock is surprisingly light. I pulled two pieces from the garage the other day and carried them in one by one in the front and they didn't seem so light, but this one is. It slides into the gap I created with the scrap piece of two by four. I hold the sheetrock in place with one hand, I'm feeling like I'm young again. I got this all by myself, no problem. I reach for the extension bar to support the sheetrock against the ceiling when it expands and gets caught. I can't get the bar loose, I'm jiggling it, trying all the tricks in the book, but it is not coming loose. The sheetrock is starting to get heavy. Teri walks by and casually asks if I need help. For a moment I think nah, I got this, then I remember I'm not that thirty-five year old kid any more and I invite her in. She grabs the bar from me and unsticks it. I take it back and start to push the sheetrock toward the ceiling. Teri points toward something behind me and on the ceiling, I don't care victory is in sight. I set the bar in place and look where she is pointing. The ceiling fan which I always intended to take down, one of the blades are stuck under the sheetrock. I'm wasn't going to let victory go, so I manage to slide the blade out without any damage. Teri says I should have taken the ceiling light down. I tell her it was on my
list, but it gives off so much light. And yes before any more ceiling is done it is coming down.