Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Getting a slight look into the mysteries in the book of Elena

     I have said it several times and I'll say it again, my daughter, Elena is a tightly closed book and only on rare occasions do you get a slight glimpse inside, even for something suspected and not really a big deal in this day and age, it can be surprising. It's like when Elena lets the curtain drop a little, let's the book open
up, it's leather spine creaking as it opens just enough to give you a glimpse.
     A little background ground first. A few days ago Elena complained that she was not allowed to stay out as late as her sister. I didn't want to mention the fact her sister is fifteen months older than her. I listened and I don't think I said anything one way or the other. So on Thursday she asks her mom if she can stay out to ten-thirty. Teri calls me and I say, "yes, ok". Teri is feeling the same way so Elena is allowed to stay out until ten-thirty. She is also very good at coming home when she says she will. She has been hanging out with Matt, a boy she used to date when she was younger, you know that kind of
dating. They hung out together and maybe there was kissing and hand holding in a movie. When she comes in she comes over to where Teri and I are sitting watching TV. She starts talking about her night. Somehow her friend Jasmine comes up. Elena talks about how she was always there for Jasmine and how they did things. That little statement or words to that effect made me feel special. I always thought something was going on with the two of them, but her saying that made me feel special. I think she still doesn't know which way she wants to go. Either way I hope she finds joy and comfort in the company of another person. And joy in expressing that love to another person.