Saturday, November 12, 2022

It's Saturday morning and ...well ... Sorry, no great title came to mind.

It's is a Saturday morning in November a couple of weeks before Thanksgiving. Elena went to work today, Nastia has gone to work at Stop and Shop- we're trying to convince her to go somewhere else. She wants to go to Dave and Buster's we're thinking that is not a great idea. And for the last couple of nights Jessica has been staying over.
The three of them went to Dave and Buster's on Thursday. Jessica works there and the three of them have dinner and play some games. When they went to drop Jessica off, something happened between her and her mother. I only heard bits and pieces of what happened, so if it is wrong, I'm sorry. It goes something like Jessica didn't clean her room before going out and her mother got mad. Maybe something else happened because her mother supposedly threw her phone at the car before or after throwing Jessica out. Maybe there is more to the story, I don't want to voice any opinions. Boy, that can be tough. So Jessica (not JJ or Jessie from New City who has a child) is staying with us. Jessica is making herself so invisable I saw her for the first time this morning. Nastia is staying over Jessie's (New City, child, JJ) tonight like she normally does. I hope Jessie's (JJ, child, New City) parents are not getting tired of Nastia staying over. Nastia has work today from 9AM to 5PM. There has been no 6AM to 2PM lately. I think she changed her hours of availability. Back when I worked a grocery store part time workers were a dime a dozen and if you desired you could have a career at a supermarket. Back then they told you when you were going to work and how late you were going to work. There was no choice back then. If you were not available, they'd get someone else. Also, another blast from the past. I made $2.25 an hour when I started. A friend who started a while before me started at $1.90 an hour. I felt rich when I got my check every friday back then. Nastia makes mininium wage (about $13.00 an hour) at Stop and Shop. They took everything away from her after she got the job with the YMCA and left and then returned. Friday night, yesterday Sean was going to take Nastia up to visit with his mother. Nastia spent time with her last weekend, so this was the second visit. Only thing is the remains of a rare November hurricane was heading our way. In the past, before global warming made storms so much more intense it would have been okay to let her go. I text Nastia telling her to let me know when she gets there and when she is leaving and when she's expecting to be home. A little while later I talk to Teri and she says she really doesn't want Nastia to go. I say I'll call her and I do. I tell her the weather is going to be bad (and it had started coming down ral hard off and on since around three in the afternoon) and I'd rather you didn't go. She said she was alreay on her way. I then did a sort of bad thing, I told Nastia to talk it over with Sean and call me back. It was bad because I was banking on Sean still wanting to make a good impression that he'd turn around. They did turn around and of course the storm was mostly over. Nastia was not to happy about not going, but she got over it pretty quickly. I was happy she was safe. Nastia has this habit of always being with her boyfriend as often as possible. And with modern technology she talks to him on her phone. She'll come in from work and will talk to you. Your saying stuff that maybe you don't want someone who is not in the family yet to hear and suddenly she'll lean in a direction and you'll see his face or she say,"Could you wait a second, Sean?" and then you realize you have been talking to two people. Nastia is the type of person who can make you feel very important. She did it with Dylan and Kevin. Both suffered from being under the delusion, no that is too strong of a word. They suffered from being guys who want to date a girl who wants to be just a friend.She said she told them she just wanted to be friends, but she hung around with them all of the time. I'm sure some girls would call that delusional. I'd call it a guy just being a guy. So many women out there claim there are no great guys. They're just not looking. Dylan and Kevin were great guys. My daughter, Nastia was just not interested in them. In cases like this and I know he is not politically correct these days, but some of his ideas on relationships still hit home. I always remember what Woody Allen said at the beginning of Annie Hall. "I'd never want to be a member of a club that would have me as a member" I feel alot of people act that way. Elena and her now on and previously off again relationship with Matt. Elena has gotten to be ...ah,... let's say more colorful in her language. I think she feels using curse words, as often as she does and yes Nastia is just as bad gives her an aura of power and a 'don't mess with me cause you could get hurt' personality. It goes along with the tatoos and the short haircuts. She has her defenses up so she won't get hurt. When she is angry with him, she'll call him a 'little pussy'. He's a nice guy and he is laidback. He wants to be a NYC cop. Right now the Police in NYC are losing the battle because of politicians. I think it could eat him up if he becomes an NYC Cop and things don't change. Elena on the other hand is working still in New City with Sean and his family. His father and uncle own the shop. Elena doesn't make much, but she has few needs and desires, so her salary goes far. When it is time to pay insurance, she is the only one ready to pay. She got her 'sleeve finished this past Tuesday and since I have to act like it doesn't exist because I don't approve, I don't have pictures. One day I will and I'll post them. It's not ugly, it just not what someone should want on their arm for the rest of there life. Styles and customes change AND SKIN DOES SAG AS YOU GET OLDER. What is done is done. /