Sunday, January 15, 2012

When your daughters are bitches, should you tell them?

Before I had kids and had all the answers, I always admired the fact that my brother Karl never cursed in front of his daughter. I imagined it was easy and if I ever had kids I would do it. It would show how in control of my life I was and how superior of a parent I was. (I hope your laughing as much as I am.)
My favorite question back then was "Why don't they stop their kids from doing that?" Only now do I have the answer; it's I'm tired of them not listening and I'm willing to be thought a bad parent for a while just to keep my sanity and not be arrested for yelling at my child in public. Which all of those superior people, without children now demand.
  I now have two daughters and I have also rediscovered my bad temper. Long ago I thought I had slayed that dragon and anytime I lost my temper was for a good reason.
  Well, just like I no longer have all the answers to raising kids, I no longer feel everytime I lose my temper it is for a good reason and there are times where I will tell my daughters "I'm sorry, you didn't deserve to be yelled at like that." With the hope that they will not be as bad with their temper as their dear old dad.
  All this leads up to the day I called Elena a bitch to her face. It was a friday night and we went out to eat at a restaurant called Gilligan's. It has a low priced menu and a relaxed atmosphere. I don't remember all of the story, but Teri had gone to the bathroom and Elena was slouched down in her chair and I said something to her and she gave a wise answer, puberty you know. So I told her to sit up and quit being, I stopped for a moment before I gave myself the mental go ahead to call her a bitch. I don't know why I did. It just seemed to be the word that fit best and at the time I could not think of any word better. I also thought if she was being one she must of said it or at least of been one to someone else. I know I'm trying to justify using bad laungage to my daughter. I did preface this by saying I have a bad temper. Am I saying it is my temper that caused my to call Elena a bitch or that it was better to call her that then to yell at her, but most of all she was being a bitch.
  A couple of weeks later the three of us are in a car going home from a trip to the eye doctor. It is at least half an hour drive time to get there and an other half an hour to get back, plus all the can I have some bread from the platter and why do I have to sit right in the chair and I'm bored and why do you wish mommy had taken us? So with all that going on and I having forgotten the appointment, my daughters are being noisy and again Elena develops an attitude and again I call her a bitch. This time I am a little surprised when she asks me "what is a bitch"
 I resist the easy out by saying "You"  and I begin to tell her what a bitch is and why it is not nice.
  She says "Daddy, I'm not a bitch and that is not a nice thing to call your daughter."
  "but if your being one it's the truth." a said
  she starts to get angry and this is a girl who is starting to develop into someone who will not back down, which is a good thing...sometimes and she says "I'm not being a bitch."
I begin to see this conversation as a little absurd for some reason and I start to think it is funny and I laugh, this only servers to get her more angry, she now thinks I am laughing at her because she is being a bitch. I laugh more because they are both questioning me and using the word bitch.
  I stop them and tell them that the word bitch is not a word that is socially acceptable and even though daddy used it you should not say it. Lets see if daddy can resist the urge to say it as his daughters become older and get further into puberty and bigger b...... I became a bigger pain as I got older then thirteen.