Friday, July 6, 2012

The Week in review

Today Teri picked up Leo..d. She was with Nancy and they had not eaten, so the three of them went to Charlie Browns to have a late lunch. Feeding Leo..d and time seem to be working with him. He is more relaxed and smiles more. the other day my mother said Hi to him and he smiled at her. today he burned his hand on a pot and Teri was mothering him, when she threw a cold pad t him he smiled about it. I'm sure he still doesn't like his camp, but there is little we seem to be able to do. There is so little time and everything takes a special request to the local government and I'm sure him using the town pool will be approved' there is just no time. It is ending so very soon, too soon.
   Financially, everything is still in the air.
   Al three girls seem to be getting along except for that one incident at the barbecue the other day. Everyday a handful of people say good bye to the girls, even A...a a few people say good bye to.
   They are upstairs watching TV and Teri is taking Nancy home, it is quiet except for the music Leo..d plays that seeps through the vent in his floor.It could work, if they want to stay, if the three girls can make it work in that tight space, if Leo..d doesn't start to resent Amanda walking through his room every five minutes. If the girls don't resent the two new ones, if the new ones don't resent the original ones If all the girls don't get their period at the same time. I guess you understand it could work, maybe.
   I never did go into detail about what happened the first day with Leo..d. Teri took him to camp at Paramas catholic high on Paramas rd, Paramas, they were early, Teri calls me concerned they were at the wrong school, they were just early. Teri calls and I have to confirm the location to be correct. That was tough considering I lost all of his paperwork, everything. Maybe he was bothered by the concern in Teri's voice, he didn't want to stand and I had to pick him up at Teri's job and I got stuck in traffic and didn't get there until about ten. I get him to camp and we walk around and he doesn't want to go but I insist and we find the guy who runs the camp who just happens to have a coach who speaks Russian. I think problem solved. Leo..d needs sneakers and I go get him a pair, I drop them off while he is in a movie.At the end of the day I pick him up and find out he doesn't like the camp because no one is trying to make friends with him and he has no one to talk to and the coach who speaks Russian is not around much. It seems he is throwing up any excuse to not go to camp. I was hurt. I felt he didn't appreciate all our hard work. Fair or not we thought we were giving him a huge gift, allowing him to spend two weeks practicing his passion, but no he looks like he is using every excuse not to go to the camp. We try to get him in other camps, but the lateness, his age and our lack of money prevent any change. It hurt worse because the previous day we let him pick out whatever soccer gear he liked and hasn't really used yet I think. I hate to always go back to money, but if we adopt and at that time it was doubtful, now not so doubtful, I'm more optimistic it will happen. We had spent over three hundred dollars on equipment.
   With a little advice from Patrice, we decide to tell Leo..d that he has to go to the camp, there is no other options, he didn't like that. Being the stoic Russian as I said before he did what was asked of him.
  Yesterday after camp Leo..d went to the West Nyack Swim Club where he spent time with males and did backflips off the high diving board. He ate pizza with my brother, his two sons, his wife and my mom. It was good for him.
   A...a, no drama.