Sunday, April 28, 2019

Cabaret at RCC

Several Days ago Nastia asked me to go with her to see Cabaret at RCC for one of her classes. It started at 8PM and I didn't like her to be alone at night there, so I agreed. On the Day of the play, a Saturday, I am told Teri and her sister will be joining us. The Plan is to get dinner around 6 PM at the Airmont Diner, then go see the play. 
      Everything goes smooth and we get to the play a little early, before the doors open. Ticket prices for guests are $15.00 for adults, $12.00 for students and seniors. For the first time ever I am glad I'm over 60 and gladly accept Teri's and my senior discount.
      Nastia, because of her eyes needs to sit down close to the stage. The Theater is not crowded at this early time so we get third row off to the left a little. We could have gone first row center, if we'd wanted to. The theater does get fuller later before the curtain goes up.
      When the curtain goes up, the play does not resemble the movie in the least, as far as I remember it. The Play is not as light hearted as I remember the movie. It is more poignant, the characters, like Mr Schmidt and Miss Schneider are not in the movie to my memory. The Emcee, played by Joel Gray in the movie and well played by a student in the RCC play seemed to be in most every scene. His over the top performance was very good.
      Nastia need to write an opinion paper for her Voice And Speech class, She worked on it Sunday. After a little editing from me, Teri went through it and corrected my corrections and below is the result. Both of us tried to keep Nastia's voice in the paper.

 Anastasia Muller Muller 1
Voice And Speech
Ms. Schaudel

My opinion about Cabaret
The night of the play my family and I went to get dinner before going to the school. After dinner we go to the school a little early so we had to wait till the show started. I was not that excited because I did not think that the play was going to be fun to watch. Little did I know that it was going to be an amazing performance. As we got in the theater it was crowded. We made our way to the lower seats so I can see the play. The play was called Cabaret and it was about a time after World War One and  before Hitler got to power. As the play started this guy with face paint came out and started singing and I thought he was really funny. Throughout the whole play he made almost everyone laugh. As the play went on I liked a lot of the characters in the play, like Sally Bowles and Clifford Bradshaw. I think they were a cute couple. I also really liked the girls who played sexy women in the Kit Kat Club they were really good at dancing and had awesome clothes. In the beginning I liked the guy who became friends with Cliff on the train until I saw he was a nazi. The actor who played him was really good.
I really enjoyed watching the scene with the pineapple that was really funny. The Emcee really got me laughing with what he was doing with it.  I also really loved when the Emcee was dancing with the Gorilla it was really funny. I think that people should not be judged for who they are or how they look like because in the end they are still human. I really was sad when Sally got rid of the baby because I thought that she and Cliff would be such a cute family. I do understand why she did it though, she wanted her baby to grow up in a nice peaceful world and if she had the child at that time the baby would not grow up happy at all. I really liked the part where Cliff met up with Bobby at the nightclub, I thought it was funny and kind of sweet.  
       My favorite part of the play was when Sally was singing the song ‘Don't Tell my Mother’. I thought that was a very good song I really liked it. I also thought that the girls who were dancing in the back were really good as well. I thought everything was perfect the lights were on point and the actors were really good. I could tell that they worked really hard at it and at the end all their hard work paid off. I had two friends in the show that killed it. I'm proud of them. I also thought that everyone who sang were fantastic and they could work on Broadway.       
      The part that was really sad was that at the end of the play. The Emcee was wearing clothes the Nazis forced  Jews to wear in the concentration camps. I really did not like that because it makes me really mad that someone can do something horrible like that to people who are different from them. I really liked how we got a ten minute break to stand up and stretch our legs, use the restroom and  just get a little snack. In the end, my family and I really enjoyed the play. I'm really happy that I got to spend time with my family by taking them to see it. I almost forgot the band. I thought they were great and got the music right on point. They also had really good beat to the music which I really liked because I like music when it has a really awesome beat to it. After the play all of the crew got on stage and bowed and everyone in the crowd were going crazy because the crew blew it away with their performance.  My Dad said that the show was way better than the movie. I never saw the movie but I believe it.