Thursday, August 28, 2014

Three Days of peace, love and spending lots of money*

* modern version of the Woodstock slogan, about 45 years ago this month. They closed the Thruway,  man

Teri has the last two weeks of August off every year. Teri wanted to do some stuff with the kids, because they had done so little. Except for the Circle line all I was able to give the girls was letting their friends come over and swim.
  On Tuesday, we took in the Bronx Zoo. Amanda, Nick and Nick's eleven year old brother came along, boy can Nick talk, nonstop.
  We went to see the bird house again and Teri wanted to see the lions, tigers and bears, oh, my.
  We stopped for some over priced food, expected, but come on now if you are going to charge big bucks for food at least make it good.
  We were there all day until the park closed at 5 pm. Considering everything it was a cheap day. Teri has a membership and we had fun.
  The next day, with the threat of rain in the forecast, we headed out to g
Great Adventure. The girls have been there every year with camp and this year there was no camp. Teri and I felt guilty, so we took them there. I hadn't been there in twenty years, so I have fond memories of it. Well I've become a grouchy old man I guess, because all I could see was how this poor imitation of Orlando was squeezing every penny it could out of their poor victim's pockets. First there was the premium parking for ten bucks extra. then the express pass for an additional twelve dollars and finally the extreme thrill rides where you could buy a book of tickets for twenty dollars. This was in addition to the entrance fee of about thirty-five dollars and the parking fee of twenty-five dollars.
  We get into the park and the girls want to do the Batman ride and I go on with them. It was a fun ride. The g forces pushing down on my neck in the loops and spins gave me a head ache and I hadn't eaten so I skipped the next two rides.
I wanted to eat at Johnny Rockets so we headed for it over near the entrance to the park. We spent fifty-four dollars for two burgers, chicken fingers, fries and two milk shakes and a soda. Again like earlier it was very poor food. I wanted Johnny Rockets and got poor midway food. Later we would grab a snack on the way out and I ate a boneless pork ribs sandwich that was almost good. Let me say here I am not a snob when it comes to food. I will eat a burger and be happy, just don't make me feel like a fool for paying fifty-six dollars for it if it is poor midway food and not Johnny Rockets.
  We hit most of the rides and the girls wanted to ride King Da Kah. It's a roller Coaster that goes straight jump, goes over the top and goes almost straight down the other side. It was closed when we got there.
  We got the snack I told you about and headed home with reports of  thunderstorms back home.
  We left the backdoor open in hopes of the dogs, Mesha not destroying the house and with the fear that they might of gotten out in the twelve or so hours we'd been gone. About half way home we hit some intense storms, slowing us down. We got home around eleven or so and the dogs and the house were OK.
King da kah!!
   Thursday was a choice between Great Adventure and the Dutchess County Fair, with the loser going on Friday. When Friday morning came I didn't want to spend the money to go. Great Adventure had been a small bundle so instead we went to an early movie, with Elena going to her boyfriend's house and missing out on Chinese food.
  It was an overly ambitious three days and despite the bad food it was fun and the girls really enjoyed it.