Thursday, August 13, 2015

Elenapalousa 2015 part 1

My youngest turned 15.
I know one day I will look back at this day and think she was so young then and I will wonder where all the time went, because I am doing that now.
  Moscow, is a dream I went to in a drug induced  cold I had one day and I'm not sure I was ever there, it seems so far away. The Girls on the other hand seem to be growing up so quickly I can't imagine where the time went and how I got so old and fatter ( I was never skinny).
  When You start to go gray, it seem like you start to fade and when you look at old pictures it seems there is too much color in them and You look all bright and alive. Just ignore this last statement, I don't want to be a total downer.
  Yes, My Youngest turned fifteen the other day, We are so proud of the young women she is becoming. She is no longer the skinny little Russian girl, who was afraid to speak up. She is a noisy teenager, with more opinions, then knowledge, you know the type, a typical American teenager, yep that's the one. A special aside to Masha, the Russian who I stumbled across in 2008 when We first bought the kids over. She said only Russians could raise Russian children. I guess She was right, their no longer Russian kids. Their free thinking Americans and if they were to go back to Russia, they would be looked at like a virus, a free thinking virus, what this world needs more of.

Our plan for Elena's birthday was to go to Nanuet Restaurant. About twenty seconds away Teri says "I think they are closed." Oops, I forgot on Mondays they are closed. We went to Nanuet Hotel and the pie was as good as Nanuet Restaurants. We had our fill and a little to bring home to snack on the next day. It was nice.
   Saturday, will be the day for a little party, by the pool, starting around 4pm. It is supposed to be hot.

She's driving my car AGAIN!!!

I knew it would happen, so like William Shakespeare said if it is inevitable lie back and enjoy it. If You don't know what I'm talking about, ask Ted Antwan, the weatherman on channel 7 from the 1970's, that quote got him fired and Bill Beutell frowned at him.
  Any way out of the politically incorrect to who the hell is driving my car. Yes it is that young lady you saw screaming by you at fifteen miles an hour the other day. The same young lady who jumped when the door locks finally engaged when she got the car over twenty miles an hour, yes that young lady and lets sing it together...I don't know wither to use little old lady from Pasadena by Jan and Dean or The Beach Boy's classic 'Fun, Fun, Fun' . Since I put it in quotation marks,I'll use 'Fun,Fun,Fun'...
        Well, she got her daddy's car
And she cruised through the hamburger stand, now
Seems she forgot all about the library
Like she told her old man, now
And with the radio blastin' goes
Cruisin' just as fast as she can, now

Chorus 1:
And she'll have fun, fun, fun
'Til her daddy takes HIS MUSTANG BACK!!

I like the sound of that last line.Daddy gets his car back, 

I just listened to that great classic. 

Yes, my daughter is driving my mustang and it is not like she is forcing me to let her and yes, she will not drive it when she gets her license... Get off the floor and laugh standing up, it's not polite to laugh rolling around on your neighbors floor.
  She has been out several times driving and she is doing pretty good, She has driven on a road, going stright. She has driven on someone's lawn because I guess driving on the road was boring. She makes wide turns and sometimes she cuts them real tight to see if I;m still awake. It all fun and games until someone scratches my car.