Wednesday, January 20, 2021

I have no good title for a post about cars and the girls

When I was a kid the thought about cars and girls was lots of fun. This one is not. This is a post about the girls and their cars and how I am or Teri is solving their problems. Elena's is or was a simple problem. One evening last week I get a call at work from Teri saying Elena's car, her new car is stuck at ShopRite in Pearl River with a dead battery. I leave work a little early and get over to ShopRite. I have a mini battery with jumper cables that start the car up right away. That is a good thing since I'd didn't have jumper cables with me. I did have a car charger with a long extension cord, but that wouldn't have helped since there was no outlet anywhere near. Me. being the guy I figure that is the end of it. Elena must have left something on. I have her start the car when we get home and it starts fine. She also parks in front of Teri in the driveway on the southern side of the house. The next morning I leave for work. At work I get bombed with all sorts of things and just about that time I get a call from Teri saying Eleena's car won't start again and she has blocked Teri's car in. That turns out to be the tipping point and I'm telling Teri I'll be there in twenty minutes. I need to get out of that office. Bill one of my bosses tells me to take my time drive relaxed and come back after I'm done and try to relax. Whenever I've had to go to help out one of the girls, I've not been able to drive slowly. Manner of fact, I can't drive slow where ever I go. I feel if I start driving slowly old age will catch up with me and as Satchel Page once said, " don't look back, someone might be gaining on you." So I try to keep my eyes on the road and do eighty. I also don't want to die too young, so I'll glance in the mirror occationally to see if someone, death, might be gaining on me. Just a little joke, yeah, I know, very little. I get to the house and the car charger that worked wonders the other night,doesn't have the power to start the car this time.Thank God I still have the big charger. I pull out the car charger from my Grand Am's trunk, pop the Honda's hood, run the extension cord to the outlet I installed on
the house when we first moved in (yes, it still works fine) make all the connections and the car starts in a minute. Every time I use this car charger, something left over from the dairy I thank god I still have it. The charger, the air pump and the floor jack three of the items left over from the dairy that I didn't use for many years and mostly were just in the way until recently. I move Elena's car to the new driveway and face it out in case it needs to be jumped. Tomorrow morning, the battery is dead again and it needs to be jumped, which I do, except the little hand battery doesn't work this time, so I get the charger out of the trunk and plug it in again. A few seconds later Teri is in her car and a little frantic. She never likes to be late, even if it is for an unimportant appointment like this. She even gets herself a little crazy when she tells her sister she'll pick her up at one to go the grocery store. I'm not saying it is a bad thing, it's just she should bring it a little back to the middle from the extreme. Elena and Teri bring the car over to Bill Kolb and the three of us meet to have breakfast at IHOP. Covid breakfast is just as weird as Covid anything. I join Teri and Elena at the mall. it's about ten on a Saturday morning and it is empty, ghost town empty, middle of a walking dead episode empty. Manner a fact there are a few elderly people in the distance that give me pause ( no I'm not old yet, that's why I drive 80 to prove it.). The restaurant is socially distanced and we enter wearing our most recently comfortable masks purchased from Restaurant depot. They are washable and a nod to the fact that Covid will not be over anytime soon. We sit down and continue wearing our masks like they are now a part of our clothing like socks and underwear. After a few moments Teri removes her's and it hits everyone to do the same. The waitress comes over and it is tough to not make eye contact with her like I was taught to do. We order and have an enjoyable breakfast. Life seems almost normal for a little while. /