Monday, October 26, 2020

I shouldn't be telling this story, really I shouldn't

 The other night Nastia asks me if I would bring her laundry down stairs to the cellar,where the washer is. She has me wrapped around her little finger and I know it so I say, yes. She goes up stairs and about ten minutes later I follow. As I'm walking down the hallway toward her room I see the  gate that is up to keep Misha out of her room and away from the cats and behind it is a corner of a pile of clothes I step over the gate and go to get the clothes. Nastia is near the pile and has no clothes on. Her left is covering her boobs and her right hand is down south covering her vagina, so all of the good stuff is covered. I pick up the clothes and as I'm about to leave when she points with her right hand and says you missed a sock and I'm looking right at her. I laugh and say thanks. She realizes what she's done and covers up. She points a second time  at the sock, but this time uses her foot. I leave and start down the hallway. Elena asks what was so funny? I tell her that her sister was naked and  show her where her hands were and then I tell her to watch my right hand. I point like Nastia did and say you missed a sock. Elena does watch my hand, but misses where it was. so I have to do it a second time and then I get a big Ahhh! Sometimes I just love the two of them so much and life without them would be so boring. 

How many times can I get Nastia upset and yes, finally some news on Elena's room.

 A few days ago Nastia told me about when she, Elena and a new Jesse were at a diner eating. She noticed a table of boys near by and she thought one of them was cute. She is too shy to go and talk to him, so New Jesse, offered to go and tell him Nastia thinks he is cute. New Jessie goes over and tells him. With Nastia's Jesse giving him her number. More goes on, but it's not really relevant. Nastia tells me this story while we are driving, I think to her job. She is still a pedestrian, I'm not anxious to let her get behind the wheel again too soon. She then gives me an off the cuff remark, "I think after bowling I'm going to meet up with him and..." 

I interrupt, "The hell you are, where are you going to meet?"

"I don't know"

"who's going to be there?"

"Him and a friend."

"Fuck, no!, You're not meeting a strange guy and his friend alone!"

It goes on a little longer, mostly me telling her she has to learn more about him then the fact he has issues speaking English and his name is Kevin (yeah, right) and he is Puerto Rican. Yes, she has a thing for guys with great tans. (I'm sorry if that sounds racist, it's supposed to be a joke, but in these thin skinned times with our racist orange raccoon president you have to be careful.)

A few days later I am driving her to work again and I ask her how things are going. The conversation drifts over to her and driving and the restrictions she will have to deal with for the foreseeable future. I tell her she is to never get behind the wheel again without contacts in her eyes. As I pull up to Stop and Shop I say her night driving privileges are being curtailed. She says nothing. I stop and she goes to get out. I tell her I'm doing this because I love her and want her to come home alive, but she's pissed when she gets out of the car.  

There also was the conversation where she tells me she is spending about $100.00 on Keshaun for his birthday. I tell her that is too much for someone you only want to date, but are not. She is also going to spend close to $200.00 on a speaker for him for Christmas because he can't afford it and non of his friends have any money to contribute. I tell her not to, but she will not listen and she is angry with me again, I think, or maybe this time I was angry with her.

There are a few other times I started a conversation with her and it would devolve into her being pissed and me saying or at least thinking, 'I'm only doing this because I love you." I think I finally started to learn when to stop when one day driving her home from work and I ask her about something and after a few moments I feel it start to slide into that conversation again, but this time I stop. 

Now onto Elena's room. Yes that is still happening, or I guess it would be more correct to say, it is happening again, maybe if it was a Broadway play they would call it a revival. You all remember even during a COVID closed Broadway what a revival is? Well, I'm reviving her room. This is a revival like Broadway, not a revival like in a Hospital where the patient is dead and has to be brought back to life, you know, revived. The room was never dead, it was just sleeping waiting for my eventual return. Almost like sleeping beauty, just without the kissing. 
I have been trying to find an angle to restart working on the room. To all of you people who start a job and finish it without issue, I'm speaking a different language. For people with completion issues and I love the feeling when I can look at a completed project there comes a point where you stop and it's like the end of a chapter. Things are completed and you really don't know where it will go from there. It's feels like a road block has been put in front of me and every direction I see to go there feels like a resistance. I can't get going again. The only way forward that I know of at this time is to give myself some time and space on the project and revisit it later. Well later has come and I decided to try the concentrate on the top of the pile method I use at work when I feel overwhelmed. Nothing else exists except for what I have decided is on the top of the pile of papers. It get me going again at work and I feel less stressful. So I decided the closet is top of the pile. I took down some sheet rock that I put up too soon and fit the door into place, got an idea how everything would fit and went out and purchased wood. The next week (yeah, I know, but Rome and all wasn't built in a day.) I started to build the closet. The pictures are of one of the fitting of the closet. I built the bones of the closet, you know put up the two by fours and then take them down twice and recut them as I noticed mistakes and miscalculations I'd made. I worked on the closet for three weekends and I think I am at the point where I won't have to take it down again. I just need to find hinges that I like for the door and have space for them. 

Now it is time for my Jet's football joke, and yes I was a Giants fan back in the LT days. I have this Jets tape measure, but I had to get rid of it. Every time I used it I'd have to measure three time then punt.
