Monday, October 26, 2020

I shouldn't be telling this story, really I shouldn't

 The other night Nastia asks me if I would bring her laundry down stairs to the cellar,where the washer is. She has me wrapped around her little finger and I know it so I say, yes. She goes up stairs and about ten minutes later I follow. As I'm walking down the hallway toward her room I see the  gate that is up to keep Misha out of her room and away from the cats and behind it is a corner of a pile of clothes I step over the gate and go to get the clothes. Nastia is near the pile and has no clothes on. Her left is covering her boobs and her right hand is down south covering her vagina, so all of the good stuff is covered. I pick up the clothes and as I'm about to leave when she points with her right hand and says you missed a sock and I'm looking right at her. I laugh and say thanks. She realizes what she's done and covers up. She points a second time  at the sock, but this time uses her foot. I leave and start down the hallway. Elena asks what was so funny? I tell her that her sister was naked and  show her where her hands were and then I tell her to watch my right hand. I point like Nastia did and say you missed a sock. Elena does watch my hand, but misses where it was. so I have to do it a second time and then I get a big Ahhh! Sometimes I just love the two of them so much and life without them would be so boring. 

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