Sunday, October 4, 2009

The weekend 10-03-04-2009

The weekend like friday went very fast. Here it is Sunday afternoon and I am having trouble remembering what happened.
Yesterday was spent at the house I was sick friday night and most of saturday I had no energy and could not eat.
Teri cleaned the house and went to a Bruce Springsteen concert at Giant Staduim with Amanda last night. I got some chinese food for Tony, the girls and myself and the girls didn't eat it. Remember they do not eat lo-main or at least on this day they did not and they also turned their noses up at broccolli which I can't blame them. Even though I like it I can imagine why they would not so they had spaghetti again for the forth time in two days and when they tire of that all that is left is peanut butter and jelly. 
  Sunday was better, first off  I felt better and I got the girls out of the house and we went to Corrado's in Patterson NJ. to get some pumpkins for halloween. They most likely don't know what it is so we are going to try and ease them into it slowly so they don't get scared. They did find funny and interesting a screaming head and it didn't scare them.
   After that we went to Lynn and Eric's to bike ride and they had cookies, popcorn and soda to make up for the missed lunch, my fault. They also jumped on the trampoline and Elena was doing flips on it. We are going to take Ruth's trampoline, but I'm not sure how comfortable I am about it.
  That took until about three in the afternoon and it is now five. The Giants have won, the Yankees are going to the playoffs and the Jets are just starting. Life is pretty good right now.