Tuesday, December 27, 2011

It's happened again

Well Intrepid blogger fans after a two year hiatus, the terrible twosome, the twisted sister from Birobidjan have hit the road again. For some reason Santa Claus saw fit to leave two packed bags of our girls clothes and two invitations to visit Disney World the day after Christmas and here it is the day after Christmas and it is eleven pm and a small group of eight sit comfortably just south of Disney World  ready to assault the most revered of all vacation locations in America and it will never be the same again so get down here quick if you want to see what it was like before the 'Sistas', who think they got booty get done with it. I'm sorry for that last sentence I had to listen to rap music today and even the whitest among us (me) think they got rhythm and can get up and dance with the best of them. Hey I'm sorry I was born a  T.A. white boy whose idea of dancing goes no further then the box set and can't seem to find anything to do with his arms but that is all for another time.
  Christmas morning, the girls are whispering in their room somewhere about three-thirty so I go in and tell them it is too early to get up and to go back to sleep. It always amazes me when they listen to met and sometime about six or seven Teri gets up and I turn on the radio figuring I'll get up soon about eight the girls again ask to get up I tell them in a few minutes and I get dressed. I set up the camera and Teri and I call them down. It always cheers me up when I see their childish innocents. And I also remember that they are two very split people. They are at some points very much younger then their ages and at others when you talk to them you realize alot of their childhood was stolen from them by their past.
  They come running down the stairs full of excitement and anticipation about the holiday, yelling wow and oh my god and this is the best day ever. And every year you think this is the last one they will believe in Santa Claus and it's sad because we just got them and they are already changing and they are not the same kids we first saw that July night who would not go to bed or even the ones who we bought home a little over two years ago, they are both becoming young women. And yes one day hopefully young ladies.
Surveying the fruits of Christmas
  When the excitement was done and the present were all unwrapped, all bought by Teri because I let myself get caught up in my job and have just enough time to buy my wife a few gifts mostly because I would feel bad if I made her pick her own out. there is a feeling of contentment, I hope Teri feels it too, because it is fleeting, but it is there and it is nice. After that you start to ruin it by telling the girls to help clean up the wrapping paper or you feel that they are pigs because it was left all over and they need to get their little back sides down here to help clean up and the world is back to normal except this year the barely used gifts will sit unused for a week as the dogs feel abandoned at Sallyann's we will enjoy a well deserved break from every day and that means stories everyday for a little while I hope you enjoy it